This version of the "sandwich board" will be used for the HF luminosity. It sits on a single SLB site, and has the ethernet phy chip for output to a CPU. See "above" URL for schematics and design files.
Click here to go to the HLX cookbook.
Address |
Bits |
Name |
R/W |
Comments |
0x10 |
16 |
CntrReg |
RW |
Control register, bits are:
0x11 |
16 |
Test |
R |
Should be 'hFFFFF |
0x12 |
16 |
Test |
R |
Should be 'h0 |
0x13 |
16 |
Firmware Version |
R |
Should be 0x7nnn where nnn is the revision number (7 means "test") |
0x14 |
8 |
Mux |
RW |
Version 5 or after, for muxing stuff onto LA (see code for
details) |
0x15 |
16 |
Status Reg |
R |
Status register, bits are:
0x16 |
16 |
UDP port DEST # |
RW |
16-bit UDP port DESTINATION number. Default =0, MUST be set!!!! |
0x17 |
17 |
UDP port SRC # |
RW |
16-bit UDP port SOURCE number. | Default =0, MUST be set!!!! |
0x18 |
8 |
LastTTCcommand |
R |
The last TTC command seen |
0x20-2F |
16 |
TTC test |
R |
Counts how many times we have seen TTC command 0-F |
0x30-0x33 |
12 |
Nonz counter |
R |
Counts number of buckets between BC0 and first non-zero value of sum0 (0x30), sum1(0x31), etc. "sum0" means the sum over channels for bit pattern 2'b00 on the channel input code. After reading any of these 4 registers you have to clear via 0x61 bit 6. |
0x35-0x37 |
12/13 |
SpyFIFO 1 |
R |
Read 1st, 2nd, and 3rd 12 bits of data plus fifo empty (MSB) from TPG set 1. The first read (0x35) causes a latch of the entire 36 bits after the fifo read. |
0x38-0x3A |
12/13 |
SpyFIFO 2 |
R |
Same as above for the 2nd fifo (TPG set 2). |
0x3B-0x3D |
12/13 |
SpyFIFO 3 |
R |
Same as above for the 3nd fifo (the 4 sums on the TOP). |
0x3E |
16 |
RXClk cnt |
R |
Counts clocks from RX_CLK since last soft reset if run status is START |
0x40 |
16 |
RXBC0 cnt |
R |
Counts number of RX_BC0 seen |
0x44 |
8 |
TTC BC0 pattern |
RW |
Sets the TTC broadcast pattern that the HLX will use to mean "BC0" (8 bits, but remember that bits 4,2,1,0 are reserved. A common pattern is 0x20, and that would cause "pattern 2", register 0x22, to increment.) |
0x50 |
12 |
Hist bin |
RW |
Bin to read histogram from (0 to 3563 only). Set this first, then read from one of the 4 registers 0x51,0x52,0x53,0x54,0x55 |
0x51 |
16 |
Hist0 read |
R |
Read 16-bits of histogram 0 from bin set via register 0x50 |
0x52 |
16 |
Hist1 read |
R |
Read 16-bits of histogram 1 from bin set via register 0x50 |
0x53 |
16 |
Hist2 read |
R |
Read 16-bits of histogram 2 from bin set via register 0x50 |
0x54 |
16 |
Hist3 read |
R |
Read 16-bits of histogram 3 from bin set via register 0x50 |
0x55 |
16 |
HistSUM read |
R |
Read 16-bits of histogram sumET from bin set via register 0x50 |
0x61 |
16 |
WriteOnlyCntrReg |
W |
Write only control register, bits are:
0x62 |
16 |
Dest MAC addr 1 |
RW |
Low 16 bits of destination MAC address |
0x63 |
16 |
Dest MAC addr 2 |
RW |
Middle 16 bits of destination MAC address |
0x64 |
16 |
Dest MAC addr 3 |
RW |
High 16 bits of destination MAC address |
0x65 |
16 |
Src MAC addr 1 |
RW |
Low 16 bits of source MAC address (the HLX is the "source") |
0x66 |
16 |
Src MAC addr 2 |
RW |
Middle 16 bits of source MAC address (the HLX is the "source") |
0x67 |
16 |
Src MAC addr 3 |
RW |
High 16 bits of source MAC address (the HLX is the "source") |
0x70 |
3 |
Histogram Select |
RW |
This selects histogram 0-4 (0-3 are occupancy, 4 is sumET) to transmit over ethernet (version 7010 and higher). |
0x71 |
3 |
Packet pointer |
R |
This is the next packet that would be sent |
0x72 |
11 |
Byte Count |
R |
1/4 number of bytes sent by the ethernet stuff, per packet. Should make sense. |
0x73 |
11 |
Packet Length |
RW |
Ethernet packet length (set CSR bit 10 to override defaults for histogram sending, this is for debugging only) |
0x74 |
4 |
BC0 Delay |
RW |
Delay for BC0 to account for internal delays inside HTR and HLX of the data (only valid for HLX versions 17 and higher) |
0x75 |
16 |
Source IP (low) |
RW |
Low 16 bits of 32 bit source IP address |
0x76 |
16 |
Source IP (high) |
RW |
High 16 bits of 32 bit source IP address |
0x77 |
16 |
Dest IP (low) |
RW |
Low 16 bits of 32 bit destination IP address |
0x78 |
16 |
Dest IP (high) |
RW |
High 16 bits of 32 bit
destination IP address |
Address |
Bits |
Name |
R/W |
Comments |
0x0 |
8 |
Version |
R |
Version number |
0x1 |
3 |
Mux |
R/W |
Mux for debugging. This selects what to put onto the 2 LEDs, which you can pick up with a scope or LA. Default is 0, which puts a ~1sec clock and the FLASH RST pin out |
0x2 |
8 |
Status |
R |
Status bits. The most important is bit 5 (Status[5]), which is the flash "RDY" bit. You can poll this bit to know that the flash erase has finished (which usually takes 10 sec) |
0x3 |
0 |
Reset Add |
W |
Reset the internal 20-bit address to zero |
0x4 |
0 |
Inc Add |
W |
Increment the internal 20-bit address (not needed for normal operation) |
0x5 |
8 |
Read Add |
R |
Read the lower byte of the internal 20-bit address (for debugging) |
0x6 |
0 |
Flash Reset |
W |
Resets the flash by driving the M_RST line low for ~400 ns or so |
0x7 |
8 |
Flash Read |
R |
Reads the value of the flash pointed to by the internal 20-bit address |
0x8 |
8 |
Flash Write |
W |
Write this byte to the flash using the 20-bit internal address for the flash address. Note: after this write, the CPLD will automatically increment the address. |
0x9 |
8 |
Flash Write555 |
W |
Write this byte to the flash using address 'h555 (this is 1 of 2 control addresses) |
0xA |
8 |
Flash Write AAA |
W |
Write this byte to the flash using address 'hAAA (this is 1 of 2 control addresses) |
For the HTR, special purpose
firmware to talk to this board at 80MHz over SLB/TPG lines:
(Note: As of Sept 2006, this is no longer needed. The firmware to use will be “regular” HF HTR firmware. Please see the usual firmware depository)
Luminosity HTR |
File to load |
FPGAversionN |
Notes |
0x70002 |
Firmware in HTR, equivalent to HTR version 0x25 |
0x70003 |
Built from v70002. Reset 'tcount' to zero when TTC_TestEnable is asserted, and send TTC_TestEnable instead of L1A (debugging) |
0x70014 |
Built from v70003. No longer use the TPG LUT, since we will need to keep that for HF. Add 2 new registers for digital thresholds setable via VME (0x1B0 for low and 0x1B4 for high), and cut on the linearized energy after summing over 2 time slices. Also add a spy fifo for the linearized 10-bit value from the 1st ("input") LUT for channel 1. The fifo read address 0x1B8. Also add a register to "mux" 1 of 24 channels at 1BC. |
0x70005 |
Built from v70004, hook up all 8 fibers to the TPG output |
0x70006 |
Built from v70005, in progress, will contain the sumET calculation transmission to the HLX (use HLX v14 or above for that) |
0x70007 |
Built from v70006, but has a way of injecting fake data without using the fiber inputs or the RAMS. You do this via the ./htr/HLX/FAKE command. I use CSR bit 0, formerly for "histogram mode" but now obsolete. There's also an offset at localbus address 0x200. if CSR 0 is set, then the HTR will send code 01 for all channels except at the bucket number which the offset points to, and then it'll send code 11. The HTR will use TTC broadcast code 0x20 (TTCtestenable) as the BC0. |
0x70008 |
Same as above but the HLX has to be on the bottom (6th) SLB site (the above versions had the HLX on the top, or first, SLB site). |
Firmware for the HLX Virtex FPGA:
Luminosity HFX |
File to load |
FPGAversionN |
Notes |
0x7001 |
Formerly called the " |
0x7002 |
Built from 0x7001 but includes sending output to |
0x7003 |
Built from 0x7002, remapping of names for data so it's easier to use, and check that the TTC_CK posedge is in the middle of the data - it is! |
0x7004 |
Built from 0x7003. Add ability to read out spy fifos. There are 2 spy fifo's, each one 36 bits, for the TOP and BOT. Readout is via 3 via commands, 12 bits on each readout with a fifo read enable on the 1st. See the verilog code, and also the code for "HLX" menu in |
0x7045 |
Built from 0x7004. Fix the timing, get it right for QIE1-3. |
0x7036 |
Built from 0x7005. Add summing over the 4 levels for 24 channels (only TOP so far...) |
0x7048 |
Built from 0x7006. Fix up clocking (DCM) and etc.... |
0x7049 |
Built from 0x7008. More clocking fixes, this version (I hope!) has all the clocking right so that when we add the histograms, any errors should be these new modules. |
0x709a |
Built from 0x7009. This is the first pass on the histograms. Histograms are filled correctly, but the timing for the readout is probably off. Next version should fix it. |
0x706b |
OK, this one appears to work. It's not pretty, but so far so good. A few things left to test, but it does all 4 of the level histograms (but not the sumET one). Works with v5 of HTR above. |
0x700d |
Rewrite of 0x706b so that it's easier to control. This one should be integrated with Professor Mans' ethernet technology. |
0x700f |
This includes the sumET histograms (squeezed down to 6 bits) and should be used with v7006 of the HTR firmware. |
0x7813 |
First firmware that successfully sends out ethernet packets, 7 to a histogram, all manually controllable via VME (see below) |
0x7816 |
Rewrite of some of it - now there is block ram that I write histogram packets into, the Jeremy reads and sends out to ethernet. Ethernet works, histograms are transmitted correctly, all is good. This works with version HTRev4_v7007 above. |
0x7917 |
Add 32-bit source and destination IP address registers (0x75-0x78), and digital BC0 offset register (0x74) |
0x7018 |
Same as above, but Jeremy changes it from TCP to UDP. Note: still only looks at the TOP part of the HTR, but uses all 24 channels, and since the HF HTRs will now have long + short fibers, the version we will finally use will be TOP(12)+BOT(12) or 24 anyway. Next version will have the change. Jeremy’s latest version of the software to capture packets is here. |
- 18 Mar 05: received 2+ boards assembled by Compunetix; verified LocalBus, TTC, spy of
data, clocks and BC0s from HTR; LVDS outputs seem ok on a scope.
Drew Baden 9/11/06
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