University of Maryland Physics Department
Physics 273/273H - Introductory Physics /
Prof. Hall - Fall 2012
- Course Info:
- Simulations and animations:
- Final Exam:
- The final exam will be held in Physics 1204 from 8 am to 10 am on
Monday December 17th.
- There will be a review session in class on Tuesday December 11th,
led by Prof. Tom Cohen.
- The exam will cover material from the entire semester, with the
exception of the guest lecture by Prof. Hoffman on sonic booms and
Cherenkov radiation on Monday December 10th.
- The exam format will be similar to Exams 1 and 2, with a mixture of
qualitative and quantitative questions.
- You will be given the following three formula sheets:
- Formula sheet #1 is here.
- Formula sheet #2 is here.
- Formula sheet #3 is here.
- Hints for studying for the exams:
- Review the homework, and the homework solutions provided below.
- Review the formula sheets. Make sure you understand the meaning of
all the equations which appear there.
- Review your class notes and the lecture notes posted below.
- Review the suggested reading form H.J. Pain.
- Notes:
- Week 1: Simple Harmonic Oscillator,
small oscillations.
- Week 2: Complex
analysis, Forced oscillator.
- Week 3: More forced oscillators,
damped oscillators, and transients.
- Week 4: Electrical
oscillators, phasor analysis.
- Week 5: More phasors and impedances,
and exam 1 review.
- Week 6: Two coupled oscillators.
- Week 7: Normal modes, the loaded
- Week 8: The continuous string,
Fourier's trick.
- Week 9: Fourier Series.
- Week 10: Fourier Transform and
travelling waves.
- Week 11: Mechanical impedance,
transmission and reflection, exam 2 review.
- Week 12: Energy transport,
transmission lines.
- Week 14: Dispersion, group
velocity, pulse propagation, interference, diffraction
- Week 15: Maxwell's equations and EM
- Week 16: Final Exam review.
- Homework:
- Homework #1, and solutions.
- Homework #2, and
- Homework #3, and solutions.
- Homework #4, and solutions.
- Homework #5, and solutions.
- Homework #6, and solutions.
- Homework #7, and solutions.
- Homework #8, and solutions.
- Homework #9, and solutions.
- Homework #10, and solutions.
- Homework #11, and solutions.
- Homework #12, and solutions.