University of
Department of Physics
273/273H - Introductory Physics / Waves
Prof. Hall - Spring 2013
- Course Info:
- Applets and animations
- Final Exam
- Will be held from 8 am to 10 am on Monday, May 13th in Phys
- The exam questions will be a mixture of qualitative and
quantitative questions, similar to the homework.
- The exam will be closed book, closed notes, and you will not
be allowed to use a calculator.
- Formula sheets:
- Hints for studying for the exam:
- Review your class notes, the optional reading assignments,
and the lecture notes posted below.
- Review your homework and the solutions posted below.
- Review the formula sheets. You should understand the
meaning of all the symbols and equations on the formula
- Homeworks:
- Homework #1, and solutions.
- Homework #2, and solutions.
- Homework #3, and solutions.
- Homework #4, and solutions.
- Homework #5, and solutions.
- Homework #6,
and solutions.
- Homework #7,
and solutions.
- Homework #8,
and solutions.
- Homework #9,
and solutions.
- Homework #10, and solutions.
- Homework #11, and solutions.
- Homework #12,
and solutions.
- Lecture Notes:
- Week 1 - Simple harmonic
oscillator and small oscillations.
- Week 2 - Complex analysis,
forced oscillator.
- Week 3 - Damping, Q factor,
forced oscillator with damping, transients.
- Week 4 - Electrical
oscillators, RLC circuits, phasor analysis.
- Week 5 - Two coupled
oscillators, normal modes, initial conditions.
- Week 6 - Exam 1 review.
- Week 7 - Loaded string,
orthogonality, wave equation.
- Week 8 - Plucked string,
Fourier Series.
- Week 9 - Fourier Transform,
traveling waves.
- Week 10 - Mechanical
impedance, reflection & transmission, transmission
- Week 11 - Dispersion.
- Week 12 - Exam 2 review
- Week 13 - Interference and
- Week 14 - Maxwell's
equations and EM waves.
- Week 15 - Final Exam review.