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March Colloquia:

06 - The Discovery of Color, a Personal Perspective (O.W. Greenberg, University of Maryland)

13 - The Attosecond Era (Louis DiMauro, Ohio State University)

20 - No Colloquia - Spring Break

27 - Manipulating and Interrogating Molecular Motors, Nature's Soft, Smart Nanomachines, One at a Time (Yale Goldman, University of Pennsylvania)

* For further information, please visit: www.physics.umd.edu/events/colloquia/

Physics is Phun :

March 15th - 16th
Analysis of musical sounds, including the voice
Physics Department lecture halls 7:00PM

* For further information, please visit: www.physics.umd.edu/PhysPhun/

March Eyes on the Sky Public Lecture:

08 - Gravity's Cosmic Shadows (Arlie Petters, Duke University)

29 - Stormy Weather In Space (Jim Slavin, NASA Goddard)

*For further information, please visit: www.physics.umd.edu/eyes_on_the_sky/

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