PHY 606
Spring 2011
Dr. Paulo Bedaque
2105 Physics
Teaching Assistant: Rong Zhou
Lecture times: Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:00pm to 3:40pm
Office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:00am to 12 noon
Textbook(s): There are many textbooks that can be useful. Pick one that
suits your style and level of preparation. My personal favorites are:
- Classical Electrodynamics, J. D. Jackson (very extensive; early
editions use the gaussian system throughout)
- Principles of Electrodynamics, M. Schwartz (full of insight while
others have long equations; short (a plus) and slightly below the level
of the class (a minus))
- The Classical Electromagnetic Field, L. Eyges (very well and
concisely written; out of print but you can still find it)
- The Classical Theory of Fields, L. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz
(elegant; electromagnetism in media is covered in another book of the
Lecture notes: some lecture notes will be posted here. They are not a
substitute for a regular textbook.
relativity, 4-tensors
particle dynamics, electromagnetic
conservation laws
Other notes
the original Einstein article on
special relativity, still a great read
magnetism as Coulomb+relativity,
by Dan Schroeder, following Purcell's book. This point is also
discussed nicely in M. Schwartz's book. This whole point of view is
orthogonal to what we did in class where electric and magnetic fields
arose together as a consequence of relativity and a few other choices
a quick and dirty discussion of
tensors in a spirit similar to what was done in class (by Andrew
Homework: homework will be worth 10% of the grade
homework_1 solution (courtesy of V. Saxena)
homework_2 solution
(courtesy of V. Saxena)
homework_3 solution
(courtesy of V. Saxena and Rong Zhou)
homework_4 solution (courtesy of Rong Zhou)
homework_5 solution (courtesy of Rong Zhou)
homework_6 solution (courtesy
of Rong Zhou)
homework_7 solution (courtesy
of Rong Zhou)
homework_8 solution (courtesy
of Rong Zhou)
homework_9 solution (courtesy
of Rong Zhou)
homework_12 solution (courtesy
of Rong Zhou)
Tests: There will be one midterm (30% of the grade) and one final exam
(60% of the grade)