See the complete syllabus (Phys375_s13_Jan23.pdf) for important course policies regarding grading, absences, etc. Basic information about the course can also be found on this page and by following the links at the top of this page.
Physics 375 is the fourth course in the regular Physics lab sequence PHYS 174-275-276-375-405. The course is intended for physics majors and also for science and engineering students who desire a more rigorous introduction to experimental science. Physics 375 is designed to give students hands-on experience with laboratory equipment and techniques related to optics and modern physics, including experimental design and error analysis. Specific topics include electromagnetic waves, geometric optics, polarization, interferometry, diffraction, and atomic spectra. Each student has his/her own apparatus with MATLAB-based control and data acquisition and decides how to plan, carry out, and interpret measurements, consulting with the instructor, TA, and the other students in the class.
This 3-credit course includes a one-hour lecture each week about the theory and applications of optics and related topics, in addition to three hours per week in the lab.
All three sections meet together on Mondays from 2:00-2:50 in room 3112 for the lectures, given by Prof. Shawhan. Lab periods are from 3:00-5:50 in room 3203 (adjacent) on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays for sections 0101, 0201, or 0301, respectively. The lab periods are led by Prof. Shawhan on Mondays and Wednesdays and by Prof. Wellstood on Tuesdays. Most of the experiments run for two weeks. Lab reports are due after each experiment, with other homework (based mainly on the lectures and the textbook) due in alternating weeks.