The syllabus and schedule for the course, as of the first day of class (Sept. 3): is here: PHYS270_v1.pdf. A slightly updated schedule, including the date and time of the final exam, can be found by clicking on the SCHEDULE tab, or here: p270schedule_v3.pdf.
This is the third semester of the three-semester calculus-based general physics course designed primarily for engineering students. The course covers electrodynamics, Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves, geometrical optics, interference, diffraction, special theory of relativity, and modern physics.
Physics is fundamentally an experimental science. The lab course, PHYS271, must be taken in the same semester and the grade for the courses will be combined into a single grade for both. To pass, students must complete passing work in both PHYS270 and PHYS271. See the full syllabus for more details.