This page gives instructions for registering and using the online tools that we are using for this course. Please let me know if you have trouble registering, or any other technical difficulties.
You will use MasteringPhysics to complete online homework assignments, and you may also have access to the online eText through MasteringPhysics. Details about registering with MasteringPhysics are provided in the syllabus.
Learning Catalytics is a web-based interactive response system--kind of like clickers, but without the clicker hardware, and with many more capabilities that should help us have productive interactive sessions in the classroom. You will need to bring a smartphone, ipod touch, tablet or laptop to each class to use the service to participate in the questions and group activities. (If you're not able to bring one of those devices to class, please contact me to discuss this.)
Learning Catalytics is INCLUDED if you get MasteringPhysics bundled with a new textbook, or if you purchase MasteringPhysics with the eText option. Otherwise, the service costs $12 for a 6-month period, which you can pay using a credit card at
Piazza is a free online discussion forum. If you have a question that you'd like to ask, I encourage you to post it on Piazza -- that way you can get a reply at any hour of the day or night. Naturally, if you see a question posted and have a good answer or comment to contribute, please do so! Just remember that the Policy on collaborating applies to online communications too... Talking about how to approach or work the problem is fine if it helps you and your classmates understand it better, but providing the actual solution is strictly forbidden. I might step in too if there is something I think I can clarify. You can even post anonymously if you want (though I will still know who made the post). I may also post announcements on Piazza from time to time, so it's important that you be registered.
I will upload student emails to Piazza, so you should get an invitation email. If for some reason you don't get it, you can join the course by going to Once you have joined the course, you can access Piazza either through ELMS (there's a link in the navigation menu) or directly at .