Graduate Physics Laboratory - PHYS 429/621 Roster Form
Graduate Physics Laboratory - PHYS 429/621
Teaching Assistant
Student Roster
Graduate Laboratory Sign-up
Student Registry Form
Phys 429
Phys 621
Phys 798
Student Name *
Experiment 1 *
(1st Experiment Selection)
2.1.3 Mössbauer Effect
2.1.7 Critical Phenomena: Ferroelectric Crystals
2.1.9 Acousto-optic Diffraction
2.2.1 Second Sound in Liquid Helium II
2.2.2 Superconductivity
2.3.1 Compton Effect
2.3.2 Mass of the Neutron and Activation Analysis
2.3.3 Angular Correlations
2.3.4 Rutherford Scattering
2.4.1 Lifetime of the Cosmic Ray Muon
2.7.1 Thermal Noise
2.7.2 1/f Noise
2.12.3 Critical Phenomena: Critical Opalescence
Experiment 2
(2nd Experiment Selection)
2.1.3 Mössbauer Effect
2.1.7 Critical Phenomena: Ferroelectric
2.1.9 Acousto-optic Diffraction
2.2.1 Second Sound in Liquid Helium II
2.2.2 Superconductivity
2.3.1 Compton Effect
2.3.2 Mass of the Neutron and Activation Analysis
2.3.3 Angular Correlations
2.3.4 Rutherford Scattering
2.4.1 Lifetime of the Cosmic Ray Muon
2.7.1 Thermal Noise
2.7.2 1/f Noise
2.12.3 Critical Phenomena: Critical Opalescence
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E-mail *
*You must fill in at least your Name, Email and 1
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Dept. of Physics, Univ. of MD
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