January 27 - Note Special Time and Place: Tuesday 1:15 p.m. Rm. 1116, IPST Building 085
Speaker: Nadya Mason (Harvard)
Local Gate Control Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots
Host: Fuhrer
January 29
Speaker: Min Ouyang (UC Santa Barbara)
Coherent Spin Memory and Transfer in Chemically Synthesized Semiconductor
Quantum Dots
Host: Williams
February 5
Speaker: Ying Zhang (UMCP)
Interaction-driven effective
mass divergence in electron liquids
Host: Das Sarma
February 9 (Monday) - Note Special Time and Place: 10:30 AM, Rm. 2202 Physics
Speaker: Jelena Stajic (University of Chicago)
ultracold superfluids to high temperature superconductors
Host: Das Sarma
February 10 (Tuesday) - Note Special Time and Place: 10:30 AM, Rm. 2202 Physics
Speaker: Xingxiang Zhou (University of Rochester)
computation by dispersive dynamics
Host: Das Sarma
February 12
Speaker: Josh Folk (MIT)
Host: Williams
February 19
Speaker: Raffi Budakian (IBM Almaden)
Towards Single-Spin Detection Using Magnetic Resonance
Force Microscopy
Host: Williams
February 26
Speaker: Yuval Yaish (Cornell)
Electrical and Electromechanical
Properties of Carbon Nanotube Transistors
Host: Fuhrer
March 3 (Wednesday) - Note Special Time and Place: 10:30 AM, Rm. 2202 Physics
Speaker: Gonzalo Alvarez (Florida State University)
Relevance of Clustered States in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors and Other
Host: Das Sarma
March 4
Speaker: Amir Yacoby (Weizmann Institute, on
sabbatical at Harvard University)
Spin–Charge Separation and Localization in One Dimension Measured Using Momentum
Resolved Tunneling
Host: Yakovenko
March 11
Alexander V. Balatsky
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
spectroscopy of a single spin
Host: Yakovenko
March 15 (Monday) - Note Special Time and Place: 10:30 AM, Rm. 2202 Physics
Speaker: Ashot Melikyan (Johns Hopkins University)
Nodal quasiparticles in vortex
Host: Das Sarma
March 18
Speaker: Luis Brey (Instituto de Ciencia de
Materiales de Madrid (CSIC))
Theory of Ferromagnetism in Double
Host: Das Sarma
March 25 - No Seminar (Spring Break)
April 1
Speaker: Fedor Balakirev (National High Magnetic
Field Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM)
Abnormal normal state in high-Tc superconductors revealed
in 60-tesla fields
Host: Drew
April 5 (Monday) - Note Special Time and Place: 10:30 AM, Rm. 2202 Physics
Speaker: Simon Kos (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Spin transport in semiconductors
Host: Yakovenko
April 8
Speaker: Andrey Chubukov (University of Wisconsin)
Can superconductivity emerge out
of a non-Fermi liquid?
Host: Yakovenko
April 15
Speaker: Satish Ogale (University of Maryland)
New Oxide Materials for Spintronics
April 22
Speaker: Victor Galitski (Condensed Matter Theory
Center, University of Maryland)
Theory of Insulating Diluted
Magnetic Semiconductors
Host: Das Sarma
April 29
Speaker: Krishnendu Sengupta (Physics Department,
Yale University)
Mott insulator to superfluid
transition of ultracold atoms near a Feshbach resonance
Host: Yakovenko
May 6 - No Seminar.
May 13 - Joint CSCAMM/Condensed Matter Physics Seminar - 2:00 PM, Thursday, 4122 CSIC Bldg.
Speaker: Howard Stone (Harvard University)
Crystal Surface
Relaxation below the Roughening Transition: Shape Evolution and Scaling
please see the Condensed Matter Physics Seminar Schedule Archive for schedules of past semesters