2 p.m., Thursday, April 8, 2004
Room 1201, Physics Building
Can superconductivity emerge out of a non-Fermi liquid?
Andrey Chubukov
(University of Wisconsin)
Abstract: I present our current understanding of the non-Fermi
liquid and pseudogap physics within the magnetic scenario for the cuprates. I
argue that near a magnetic quantum critical point (QCP), the theoretical
description necessary falls into the strong coupling regime, and the pairing
predominantly involves non-Fermi liquid quasiparticles. I further argue that the
pairing of incoherent fermions leads to the reduction of the fermionic density
of states at low energies, but a true superconductivity requires a Fermi liquid
behavior and emerges only at a temperature which near QCP is well below the gap
opening temperature. I present the emerging phase diagram and discuss
suggestions for experimental verifications.