A New Model Course in Applied Quantum Physics
E.F. Redish, R.N. Steinberg, M.C. Wittmann

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Using physlets in the
New Model Course in Applied Quantum Physics

Physlets, or physics java applets, are a way of providing students with freely accessible software that they can use at any location with WWW access, not just in the classroom. Parameters used by the applets can be changed through simple modification of the javascript in the html code. Additional information can be found at the Davidson College site (WWW).

For an example of how the New Model Course uses physlets to show the eigenvalues of different potential wells, click here. (Note that to return to the New Model Course, you will have to use "back" on your browser.)

Macintosh users: Due to compatibility issues in Netscape and Internet Explorer, you cannot run these physlets in either program. You must download HotJava browser from Sun Microsystems.

(To place the materials on the WWW, browse the CD to the folder "NewModel" --> "software" --> "physlets." Move this entire folder to a location on the WWW.)

