Sameer Hemmady, a Ph.D. student inxelectrical and computer engineering, was the recipient of thexTopical GroupxonxStatistical and Nonlinear Physics (GSNP) Student Speaker award. The award was presented to Hemmady at the 2006 American Physical Society's March Meeting in Baltimore, MD.
Lauranne Lanz was xthe xrecipient of the Barry M. xGoldwater xScholarship. xUp to 300 xscholarships are awarded xnationwide for the xjunior and/or xsenior year of undergraduate in
mathematics, natural sciences or engineering. This is, a very prestigious award, in honor of her stellar record and research in physics and astronomy.

In the News
Dr. Sankar Das Sarma's work was the main subject of April's 2006 Scientific America. The cover story highlighted Topological Quantum Computation in the article entitled, "Compuing with Quantum Knots." To read an excerpt visit:
Drs. James F. Drake and Mikhail Sitnov appeared in a news article on ABC News 7's website. The University of Maryland researchers were awarded nearly $1 million for research on radiation from the sun and its affect on astronauts traveling to Mars. Dr. Drake also appeared in a news segment by Channel 13 News regarding the same grant. To view the article, visit: http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0206/306350.html
The following excerpt is a quote from the Asbury Park Press, regarding Dr. James Gates:
“The symposium in Taiwan was the most exciting event I have ever participated in,” he said. “From meeting famous physicists to discussing, even arguing, about physics subjects with students from all over the world, it will forever influence my love of physics.”
Sauer took the chance to meet renowned physicist James Gates of the University of Maryland, who, until the symposium, he had only seen on television or read about on the news. Gates is to an aspiring physicist what Tiger Woods is to an aspiring golfer.
To view the entire article, visit: http://www.app.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?
The Fusion Energy Science Program was highlighted in an article that appeared in the Diamondback. The article included quotes by Drs. Adil Hassam and Richard Ellis, as well as graduate student Andrew York. To view the article, visit: http://www.diamondbackonline.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2006/02/17/43f5b6