
February 2006-Issue 44 - University of Maryland |
- Congratulations to Min Ouyang, who was awarded the NSF (National Science Foundations) Career Award grant. Dr. Ouyang is the first recipient of this award from the University of Maryland . His proposal entitled, “CAREER: Spin and Coherence Dynamics in One Dimensional Semiconductor Nanostructures,” was awarded based on scientific and technical merit. NSF funds research in science and engineering, through grants, contracts and cooperative agreements.
For more information on NSF Awards visit: http://www.nsf.gov/about/
Congratulations to Venky Venkatesan for receiving an appointment as Honorary Guest Professor at Tsinhua University in China.
To view pictures from the ceremony, visit: http://www.physics.umd.edu/news/photon/iss044/Venky44.htm
- Dr. Daniel Styer made a gift to the American Physical Society in honor of Michael Fisher.
Major donors were given the opportunity to make their gifts in the name of a teacher they would like to single out as having had significant influence in the area of physics education. Congratulations for being recognized, Dr. Fisher.
For more information, visit: http://www.aps.org/units/fed/award.cfm
Congratulations to Gregory Sullivan, who received a $246,428 grant from
the University of Wisconsin for “data handling, analysis tools and
simulation for Ice Cube.”
- Congratulations to Alan DeSilva, who was elected to fellowship of the AAAS
(the American Association for the Advancement of Science). The fellowship aids in providing links between federal decision makers and scientific professionals to support public policy that benefits the wellbeing of the nation and the planet.
For more information visit: http://fellowships.aaas.org/
Robert L. Park wrote a paper that appeared in the OP-ED section of the January 15, 2006 issue of the New York Times. The article was titled “Scorched Earth.” Park gave his opinion on the subject of NASA's termination of the Deep Space Climate Observatory.
To read the article, visit:
Richard Berg was the subject of an article written in the January 14th issue of the Washington Post. The article entitled, “Physics Phanatic,” appeared on the front page of the Style section. It highlighted Dr. Berg and the Physics is Phun series. Darragh Johnson was the writer.
To read the article, visit:
Jordan Goodman was quoted in an article titled, “Desktop Dining.” The article, written by Michaele Weissman, appeared in the January 11th issue of the Washington Post. Dr. Goodman gave his opinion on the importance of lunch with colleagues and even mentions the physical sciences center.
To read the article, visit:
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