University of Maryland Department of Physics 1117 John S. Toll Physics Building College Park , MD 20742
xx xxxxxxxxxGraduation Supplement
University Honors
Summa Cum Laude
Timothy Ryan Dulaney- High Honors in Mathematics and Physics
Magna Cum Laude
Max Anton Cubillos-Moraga- High Honors in Physics
Cum Laude
Barbara Brawn- High Honors in Physics
Vassili George Demergis- High Honors in Physics
Amanda Marie Schmidt- High Honors in Physics
Joshua Kaufman
Departmental Honors
Barbara Brawn- High Honors in Physics
Max Anton Cubillos-Morgana- High Honors in Physics
Alexandra Elizabeth Curtin- High Honors in Physics
Timothy Ryan Dulaney- High Honors in Physics
Amanda Marie Schmidt- High Honors in Physics
Joshua Kaufman- Honors in Physics |
Barbara Brawn, Alexandra Curtin, Vassili Demerqis and Amanda Schmidt were awarded the 2005/2006 Monroe Martin Award, for completing outstanding undergraduate research. This award is sponsored by the Institute for Physical Sciences and Technology.
Brian Bryce and Timothy Dulaney were recognized by the University of Maryland Department of Physics for having the Most Outstanding Honors and Thesis Defense.
Christie Chew was the recipient of this year's University of Maryland Department of Physics Jerry B. Marion Award. In recognition of her outstanding academic performance, great concern for education and the promise of becoming a fine teacher.