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Coordinator's Handout for Fall 2006
  1. Safety

  2. Laboratory safety derives from a common-sense approach to the hazards which exist in a laboratory setting. Students are responsible for acting in a safe manner and in accord with the safety regulations established by the University's Department of Environmental Safety and the Graduate Laboratory Staff. You may discover these regulations by consulting the University's Manual: Radiation and Laboratory Safety Policies and Procedures and Radiation Safety Manual, the book Radiation Protection in the Radiologic and Health Sciences by Noz and Maguire, and the Staff. Of particular interest are the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for chemicals that you might use in Grad Lab. These can be examined at the web address: http://www.inform.umd.edu/des/ls/index.html , or on the front of the chemical safety cabinet in room 3313. Information concerning suitable gloves for handling liquid chemicals can be found at: http://www.inform.umd.edu/des/ls/safeskin.html .

    Note these specific safety rules:

  3. Required Reading

  4. The Graduate Laboratory Handbook. The most recent edition of this material is available on the Graduate Laboratory Web site. Important information about Graduate Laboratory experiments is presented along with lists of references, computer program guides, and radioactive source data. Suggestions for additional references will be greatly appreciated.
  5. Computers

  6. DELL PC's are available in the Laboratory, PHY--3333 (Grad Lab Library), and in the Physics Open Workstation Lab, PHY--3111 (OWL2), for data collection, analysis and for word processing. Open hours are posted for the Physics OWL.

    Warning: Storage of data or personal programs on the Laboratory's hard disks is risky at best; these disks are subject to periodic "cleansing'' without notice. Students should store valuable data and programs on their own floppy disks (3.5'' HD 1.44 MB), USB flash drive, or by FTPing it to the Departmental Computer Cluster (student.physics.umd.edu), for which an account may be acquired from Physics Computing Services.

    Note: Much of the software available in the Micro Labs is covered by copyright; this means that it is illegal for anyone to copy these programs. It is the policy of the Department to purchase the programs needed by students. The Department does not permit or condone in any way the copying of legally protected software.

  7. Documentation

  8. Literature supporting the various experiments, the equipment available, and providing general information is available for student use, but NOT for addition to the student's permanent collection. Documentation from the Library in Room PHY--3333 should not be removed from the Grad Lab suite except for the time necessary to make copies. Further reference material can be found in the Engineering and Physical Sciences Library. The Handbook contains complete bibliographic information for this purpose. Do NOT remove equipment manuals from the Laboratory. Original equipment manuals are available from the Laboratory Coordinator.
  9. Equipment

  10. No student has absolute right of possession of any instrument; students should make sharing arrangements with the various users.

    Report equipment failures promptly so that repairs may be made expeditiously. Place failed equipment on the table in the hallway near Room PHY--3323, with a description of the failure. Then email lab Coordinator with a detailed description of failure so prompt repair, or replacement can be arranged.

    Do not remove equipment or tools from the Laboratory.

  11. Keys

  12. The Laboratory has a voracious appetite for time. Plan your use of Laboratory time carefully. In aid of planning a complete calendar is provided. When needed, card-keys may be signed out for rooms PHY--3315, --3317. --3319, and --3333 (No keys are available for the Nuclear Room (PHY--3323)). A refundable deposit of $20.00 will be required in order to obtain a key (and that its return be assured). This deposit will be considered forfeit if keys are not returned by this semester's absolute deadline. Key sign-out is predicated on the assumption that students will be responsible for their own safety and will observe all safety and security regulations. Outside normal Laboratory hours doors must be closed and locked.} Do not attempt to defeat the locking mechanisms. When leaving the laboratory area make sure all doors are securely locked. Those who disregard these rules will lose key-privileges.
  13. Supplies and Parts

  14. Parts and supplies may be obtained from Physics and Chemistry Stores. Account numbers are assigned as needed. Materials not available in Stores may be ordered from outside vendors; this process may be quite time consuming. Check with the Laboratory Coordinator.
  15. Cryogenic Liquids

  16. Students requiring cryogenic materials should know that liquid helium and nitrogen may be ordered only on certain days. Helium is ordered on Monday or Wednesday for delivery on Tuesday or Thursday; nitrogen dewars are filled on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Make a request for either of these cryogenic liquids in advance of the order days. Orders for cryogenic materials will be placed only upon evidence that the experiment is fully prepared for operation.
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