THere will be 3 mid term exams and a final. Best 2 exams (15 % each) out of the 3 mid terms will count towards your final grade. No makeup exams will be given. You can miss 1 mid term at the most.
Exam |
Date |
Day |
Time |
Chapters |
1 |
June 12 |
Tuesday |
5.30 pm - 6.50 pm |
HW# 1-5 |
2 |
June 22 |
Friday |
5.30 pm -6.50 pm |
3 |
July 3 |
Tuesday |
5.30 pm - 6.50 pm |
4 |
July 13 |
Friday |
Questions and Solutions.
Quiz # |
Date |
Day |
Questions |
Answers |
1 |
June 12 |
Tuesday |
ExamQ1 |
ExAns1 |
2 |
June 22 |
Friday |
ExAns2 |
3 |
July 3 |
Tuesday |
ExAns3 |
4 |
July 13 |
Friday |
Exam1: 19 students took the exam. Mean: 69.3, Median: 69. Max 93., Standard deviation 16.
