
The weekly homework assignment is in Webassign. Please note that WebAssign has some quirky rule for what can be entered where. If it is not accepting your answer check out: Answers that cannot be understood. Please follow the instructions for the problems that are given in the WebAssign environment. The links below are to public forms of the problem and may not include specialize WebAssign instructions.

You will be asked to do 3-5 challenging problems including estimations, explanations, essay questions, worked out problems, and even some challenging multiple choice questions. You are encouraged to work on these with friends. The Course Center is good space to work together and get feedback from a TA or Professor. CLICK FOR THE COURSE CENTER SCHEDULE.

You have to write up your solutions independently. Be careful: If two or more submitted answers are essentially identical, neither will receive credit. Online homework is due by Friday 5pm for both sections of the class.

Some problems (1-2 per week) will be written out on paper and will be due at the BEGINNING of the last class of the week each week. Paper homework will be scanned; therefore, the homework that you turn in on paper should meet the following guidelines: No staples, paper clips, dog ears, etc. At the top of EVERY PAGE, write your name, professor's name, section number, and "Page x of y" (e.g. "Page 2 of 5"). The quality of the presentation will be considered in the score as well as the quality of the solution.

Scores for webassign part of homework will be kept on webassign. Scores for the paper HW will be kept on canvas. It will not be possible to submit "show your work" attachments for webassign questions - you will have to explain your answers in the textboxes provided.

Here is a translation guide to the Universal Grading Codes that will be used in grading the homework, so that you can understand the comments that you get back on your homework.

Due date
Online HW
(due at 5 PM)
Paper Hand in HW
(due Beginning of Class)
HW 01
  1. CLPhys1 10.P.038 (5 pts)
  2. CLPhys1 10.P.006 (6 pts)
  3. The dipped track (5 pts)
  4. Potential energy analogs for chemical reactions (8 pts)
  5. Energy and enthalpy (5 pts)
Enthalpy calculation for a simple molecule (9 pts)
HW 02
  1. CLPhys1 19.P.025 (3 pts)
  2. CLPhys1 20.P.010 (1 pt)
  3. CLPhys1 20.P.017 (1 pt)
  4. Scales in a gas (4 pts)
  5. Evaporating a membrane (4 pts)
  6. Kinetic theory (5 pts)
Polymer entropy (10 pts)
HW 03
  1. Population growth (5 pts)
  2. Spontaneous change (2 pts)
  3. Free expansion (8 pts)
  4. Microscopics of ankle sprain (5 pts)
Workin and Actin (7 pts)
No Homework this week No Homework this week
HW 04
  1. CLPhys1 23.P.039 (5 pts)
  2. CLPhys1 23.P.016 (2 pts)
  3. Analyzing Dipoles (8 pts)
  4. Another problem on Charges, Fields, and Potentials (6 pts)
Charges, Fields and Potentials (10 pts)
HW 05
  1. CLPhys1 28.P.016 (2 pts)
  2. CLPhys1 28.P.039 (2 pts)
  3. CLPhys1 28.P.063 (2 pts)
  4. Capacitance Dimension (8 pts)
  5. Capacitance in nerve cells (7 pts)
  1. Fields in a membrane (10 pts)
  2. Tracking around a circuit (6 pts)
HW 06
  1. CLPhys1 26.P.005 (1 pt)
  2. CLPhys1 27.P.014 (8 pts)
  3. Constant current source (6 pts)
Defibrilators (6 pts)

HW 07

  1. CLPhys1 16.P.003 (6 pt)
  2. CLPhys1 16.P.026 (4 pts)
  3. The online mass-spring lab (8 pts)
  4. Where's the force? (4 pts)
  5. SHO Energies (6 pts)
    ** CANCELED Don't miss a beat (10 pts) CANCELED **


    No homework this week
    No homework this week

HW 08

  1. CLPhys1 17.P.036 (1 pt)
  2. CLPhys1 17.P.029 (3 pt)
  3. CLPhys1 18.P.039 (1 pt)
  4. Fourier construction of wave shapes (8 pts)
  5. Modified harmonics (4 pts)
  1. The Resonance Simulation (10 pts)
  2. Propagating a Gaussian pulse (10 pts)

HW 09

  1. CLPhys1 35.P.012 (1 pt)
  2. CLPhys1 35.P.030 (10 pt)
  3. On the mirror (5 pts)
    The microscope (10 pts)


    No Homework
    No Homework

HW 10

  1. Modeling color: chromophores (9 pts)
  2. Breaking up is hard to do (8 pts)
  3. ATP hydrolysis (6 pts)
  4. Hearing and seeing around a corner (6 pts)
    X-ray crystallography (10 pts)
University of Maryland


Edited by D. Buehrle August 2014