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Research Spotlight


This image depicts the evolution of the strengths of the three forces in the warped extra dimensional model with energy. To learn more about this, read " Particle Physics from a Warped Extra Dimension, " by Kaustubh Agashe, Assistant Professor of Physics. Research Spotlight





Alumni Spotlight


Alan Nathan graduated from the UMD Physics program in 1968. He is currently a physics professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

To read about his journey during and after school, visit the Alumni Spotlight section.




Physics Phun Phact


The bronze bust of Nikola Tesla stands on display in the Administrative Hallway of the John S. Toll Physics Building. Students raised sufficient funds to purchase a bronze bust of Nikola Tesla, deemed by many to be the Master of Lightning because of his contributions to science in the field of particle electromagnetic technology.

For more information, click here.





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