Fond Memories
Future Plans
Anne Ennis
B.S., Physics and Astronomy
Citation, British and American Lit
Favorite Memory: Many study sessions with friends
Future Plans: Graduate student in Astrophysics at the University
of Minnesota
Claudio Felipe Busko
BS, Physics & Computer Science
Future Plans: Looking for a job and physics grad school within
a year
Yeh-Chi Chen
B.S., Physics and Economics
Favorite Memory: day construction of my experiment was finished
and everyone in the lab was gathered around to watch it go
Future Plans: Doing a Post-Bac for Pre-medical classes
Bernard Hull
B.S., Physics
Favorite Memory:
Physics Lab was fun
Future Plans:
A career in Network Administration
Leila Malayeri
B.S., Physics and Astronomy
Favorite Memory: The funny jokes/bad puns professors make
Future Plans: Grad school at Univ. of Texas Austin in physics
Physics Honors and Awards
Jerry B. Marion Memorial
Ryan Fisher
Monroe Martin Award
Damon Ellingston
Leila Malayeri
Nathan Orloff
Marc Pollak
Best Honors Thesis and Defense Award
C. Felipe Busko
Andrew Chen
in Physics
Jessica Ennis
Brian Layer
High Honors in Physics
Mia Sauda Bovill
C. Felipe Busko
Andrew Chen
Damon Ellingston
Ryan Fisher
Rachel Headley
Leila Malayeri
Nathan Orloff
Marc Pollak