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Physics 270 - Spring 2008
Waves and Optics
![University of Maryland Logo](UMglobe1.gif) |
Recitation Sections WILL meet the week of Jan. 28 - Feb. 1
![fear the turtle image](feartheturtle.jpg)
Course Description
semester of a three-semester calculus-based general physics
course. Electrodynamics, Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves,
geometrical optics, interference, diffraction, special theory of
relativity, and modern physics.
Pre-requisites: PHYS260,
PHYS261 and MATH241.
PHYS270 and PHYS271 (lab) must be
taken in the same semester and the grade for the courses will be
combined into a single grade for both. To pass, students must complete
passing work in both PHYS270 and PHYS271.
CORE Physical Science Lab (PL) Course when take concurrently with PHYS
Physics 270 - IPhysics 270 - Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity
and Modern Physics
Instructor: Professor E. Williams (http://www.physics.umd.edu/spg/)
Room 2332 Physics,
Phone 301-405-6156
course web page: http://www.physics.umd.edu/courses/Phys270/williams/index.html
e-mail: edw@physics.umd.edu (include “Phys
270” in subject line)
Office hours: Mondays 1:00-3:00
Teaching Assistant: :
Stanislav Solomovich
Room: 4223
e-mail: ssolomov@umd.edu
Office hours: tba
Class Time/Location:
Lecture: Tu Th 2:00 -3:15 PM, Room 1412 Physics
Recitation Sections:
0301: Th 8:00am
- 8:50am (PHY 4220)
0302: Th. 3:30pm - 4:20pm (PHY 1402)
0304: Th. 11:00am -11:50am (PHY 4220)
0306: W 1:00pm - 1:50pm (PHY 4208)
Mandatory Laboratory Requirement: PHYS 271 is the
laboratory component of this course.
You must complete and pass PHYS271
(which requires completing all of the labs) in order to pass PHYS270.
PHYS271 must be taken in the same semester in order to count for the
CORE Lab Science requirement.
PHYS270 taken alone is not accepted as a non-lab science course for
Textbook: Randall D. Knight, Physics for Scientists and
Engineers: A Strategic Approach, First Edition"
Addison Wesley
10 digit ISBN: 0-8053-8960-1,
13 digit ISBN: 9 780805 389609.
Mastering Physics: Web-based problems, grade access,
document access
• You must have a
student access code. This may be included with purchase of the
textbook, or can be purchased online at:
• During the registration process, you will create a
student account, specifying a login name and password. Once
registered, you can log in to MasteringPhysics and can access the Study
Area for the textbook.
• You will be sent the Course ID by e-mail.
This will allow you to “enroll” for access to the class site. When you
enroll, you will be asked for a Student ID - please enter your
recitation SECTION NUMBER for this (that is 301 or 302 or 304 or 306
based on your recitation section, see above).
Course Material: Chapters 32-35, 22-23 and 36-40 of Knight FIRST EDITION
Course work and grading:
1. Problem sets: Mastering Physics problems + 1-2 written
problems weekly
Due Tuesdays at the beginning of class
2. Quizzes: 1 per week in recitation section
3. Exams: in-class exams: Tuesday, March
Tuesday, April
Tuesday, May 13
4. Final Exam: Cumulative examination. The University will
assign the final exam date/time later in the semester.
5. Weighting of course components:
Problem sets:
In-Class Exams: 45%
Final Exam: 30%
Partial credit will be assigned on problem set, quiz and exam problems
where work is clearly presented. Use of a calculator is allowed and
expected on examinations, quizzes and problem sets.
Missed assignments or exams
Late problem sets will be penalized 20% per day late. No
makes-up for quizzes will be given. The two
problem set scores and quiz scores will be
dropped. This is
your insurance policy for unforeseen events - don't intentionally skip
two assignments and then find yourself without an option when the dog
eats your homework.
Makeup examinations will only be
given for those with a valid documented excuse (doctor's note, accident
report, certifiable religious observance,
If you know ahead of time that you will miss an exam, you must notify
me before the exam. If you miss an exam due to an emergency, let
me know as soon as possible afterwards. I
consider requests
for make-ups or any other special consideration to be governed by the
precepts of academic honesty.
Academic Honesty
Working together to develop understanding of assignments is
encouraged. However, each
student is expected to do the assigned problems and write or submit the
sets independently, and hand in his or her own work for
grading. Examinations and quizzes are closed book and are
expected to be
worked totally independently.
For any questions about
academic honesty,
see University policies at:
Accommodations for
Students with Disabilities:
University has a legal obligation to provide appropriate accommodations
for students with documented disabilities. In order to ascertain
accommodations may need to be provided, students with disabilities
should inform me of their needs in the first week of the
courses will be continued/completed in case of an emergency that will
close the University for an extended period of time
The course outline will be followed using remote teaching to the extent
possible in such a situation. Information on continuing course
requirements will be posted on the course web page and/or sent by
direct e-mail to all students. Students will be responsible for
material/assignments disseminated in this way. The grade of
"incomplete" will not be used.
In the event that the University-maintained web pages and e-mail
service disappear during the closure, the course content will be
shortened as needed and grades will be assigned on a pro-rated
basis. The grade of "incomplete" will not be used.
If the closure is extended, it seems possible that the University may
institute formal policies to deal with the situation. In that
case, any University rulings will be followed.
to top
January 28-Feb. 1: Reading from Chapter 32 of Knight
See MasteringPhysics Web page for Problem Set #1 (due Feb. 5)
Classroom Demonstrations
I will occasionally use classroom demonstrations or discussion of
practical applications to motivate concepts in the course. You
should not treat these demonstrations as opportunities for a nap.
The material presented will be included on examinations, either as part
of the problems or as possible extra credit.
will be posted here or on the Mastering Physics page as appropriate.
(2008) University of Maryland, College Park. All rights reserved.
to redistribute the contents without alteration is granted to
institutions for non-profit administrative
educational purposes if proper credit is given to
University of Maryland, College Park as the source. |