Physics 270 is the third of a three semester series in general physics offered at the University of Maryland during the 2009 Fall semester. This survey course will use algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and vector calculus, and is recommended for engineering majors. The course is a continuation of Phys260 and covers magnetism, electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves, physical and geometric optics, and some aspects of “modern physics” which include relativity and quantum phenomenon.
Greg Jenkins,
Office: Physics 2304, (301) 405-7278
Office hours: Th 3-4PM, or by appointment
Teaching Assistants:
Section 0101: Dibyendu Mandal,
Office: Physics 0104, (301) 405-8577
Office hours: M 1:30-2:30PM
Section 0102 and 0104: Shantanu Debnath,
Office: Physics 0104, (301) 405-8577
Office hours: M 11-12, W 1-2PM
Section 0103: Rashmish Mishra,
Office: Physics 4223, (301) 405-6192
Office hours: W 3-4PM