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Welcome to "Inquiry into Physics"!

Physics 115 is a course for students majoring in elementary education and early childhood. Most physics courses are designed to introduce you to a wide variety of facts about our physical world. However, this course is very different. Instead of teaching you a bunch of facts, we will work with you, and help you learn how to study physical systems by yourself, and as part of a learning group. You will in effect be a scientist yourself. You will make observations, try to understand them, and try to convince your colleagues in your scientific community that your thoughts make sense!  This kind of course is called “inquiry-based” learning.


Physics 3316, MTuW 10:00 PM-3.50 PM

Instructor Giridhar Nandikotkur Teaching Assistant
Office: Rm 3102 Physics
Office Phone: (301) 405-5997
e-mail: giridhar@umd.edu
Office Hours: Will be posted soon 