Feynman Photos
- Richard P. Feynman (1918-88):
Photo by Tom Harvey of Pasadena, Courtesy of the AIP
Emilio Segre Visual Archives.
- Feynman, Chin on Hand, courtesy of Caltech Photo Archives.
- Feynman and Gell-Mann (1959), courtesy of Caltech Photo Archives.
- Feynman with Bongo Drums (1956) courtesy of Caltech Photo Archives.
Let us listen to Feynman from a video.
The Feynmans, Richard, Melville, Lucille, and Joan
(courtesy of Joan Feynman, Richard's sister).
- Richard and Joan Feynman
- Brother and Sister, on the beach in Far Rockaway, Long Island, New York.
- Two photos taken by Marek Holzman during the 1962 Relativity Conference
held in Warsaw (Poland).
- Feynman with Paul A. M. Dirac, courtesy of Caltech Photo Archives.
- with Iwo Bialynicki-Birula, courtesy of Iwo Bialynicki-Birula.
- Feynman with Hideki Yukawa
in Japan (1954).
Caltech Photo Collections: link to Caltech Archives.
Choose "Richard Feynman" on this page.
AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives
The following photos are from the Emilio Segre Visual Archives of AIP.
We hope to add captions in the future. In the meantime,
you are welcome to look at Feynman pictures. Please note that these
photos are copyrighted by AIP.
- Feynman.B19
- Feynman.B4
- Feynman.A4
- Feynman.A5
- Feynman.B18
- Feynman.B5
- Feynman.B8
- Feynman.D8
- Feynman, with Charles Critchfield (left) and J. Robert Oppenheimer.
AIP Feynman Page: Feynman tells someone to go to hell.
He was known to be passionate about drumming, but was irritated when
people found this surprising in a famous scientist. He says his
drum-beating has nothing to do with his doing theoretical physics.
On the other hand, Feynman also says that the different aspects of
nature are really different aspects of the same thing. Does Feynman
contradict his "go-to-hell" statement if the "same thing" is applied
to himself? No! Feynman was a freedom-loving human being in physics
and elsewhere. Feynman's love for freedom stands out clearly in
his papers.
Google Images of Richard Feynman.
- Your picture with Feynman
Please send us your pciture with Feynman.
- with Andre Krzywicki. This photo was taken in 1977 at the Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics in Keysersberg. Unfortunately his face is in shadow, but the posture is very characteristic. The person on his right is Doug Morrison from CERN.
- Fred Cooperstock of the Univ. of Victoria (Canada). Say Richard, what you think of time-machines? They stink!
- with Iwo Bialynicki-Birula (1962) during the Relativity Conference in Warsaw.
- George Chapline, when he was
a graduate student at Cal Tech. He first met Feynman when he
was a teenager, and kept in touch with F. for a long
time after he graduated from Cal Tech.
Click here for his story about Feynman.
- Feynman' Princeton.
Feynman's photo on the third
floor of Jadwin Hall (physics building of Princeton University).
- Princeton Campus.
- Graduate School Feynman received his PhD degree in 1942. This is a photo of the Cleveland Tower at Princeton's Graduate College, the symbol of Princeton's graduate education. Grover Cleveland was the twice president of the United States (1885-9, 1893-7), and spent his retirement years in Princeton. He devoted everything to the University's graduate program while there. The Tower was refurbished and rededicated in May 2000.
- John A. Wheeler was Feynman's thesis advisor at Princeton.
- Feynman's Dissertation. Selected pages available from the University Archives, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library. Courtesy of Princeton University Library.
- Portrait in Jadwin Hall. One Feynman admirer is standing next to the portrait. The painting by Jirayr Zorhtian.
- Feynman's Rio de Janeiro.
About twenty percent of Americans believe Elvis Presley is still alive.
Likewise, I am one of those who believe Feynman is still alive. Thus,
whenever I went to Rio de Janeiro, I brought photos which will make him
happy. I went there in 2000 with a film camera, and again in 2011 with
a digital camera. You do not have to be Feynman to enjoy those photos.
You simply have to like him and his lifestyle.
- 1970 in Washington,
the April meeting of the American Physical Society took place
at Washington's Shoreham Hotel. There was a Nobel session in which
five Nobel Laureates gave their talks. All were dressed neatly, except
Feynman. He was without coat and necktie as you can see from this
photo. His hippy-style hair does stand out clearly from the
dark background. Feynman also gave a very strange talk. Everybody
thought he was crazy, except one person who became quite excited about
his talk. His name is Y. S. Kim who took this photo in 1970 and prepared
this website 30 years later.
- We love you Dick! Shortly after
Feynman died, a couple of students climbed over the face of Millikan
Library on ropes, and hung this sign. This of course happened at the
California Institute of Technology.
Photo taken by Patricia Schwarz.
- Feynman as an Artist.
Feynman was a talented artist.
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copyright@2007 by Y. S. Kim, unless otherwise specified.