Physics 622, Spring 1996, Dr. Yakovenko
Students' Evaluations
- I like this course and the instructor knows the subject quite well.
Overall, I think this is a good course.
- Lecture-Discussion is really inspiring. I learn alot from that.
- Doing a lot of homework is very useful in study. It also takes
me much time.
- The course is very interesting. Learning through example &
reading is ok. More testing (for the particular lecture style) is
- Prof. Yakovenko was very thorough in his presentation and was
extremely receptive to questions and very helpful on the
I feel the class would have been organized as a lecture.
Discussion of homework could supplement the lecture (e.g. an hour
a week of directed problem solving) but should not be the only
vehicle through which knowledge of QM is imparted.
- Dr. Yakovenko is one of the best professors that I've ever taken a
course from. He's given the best treatment of quantum mechanics
I've ever had, by far. His course organization was unique -
great many problems, lectures solely on problems, few tests.
With his high quality teaching, this method provided an ideal
atmosphere to thoroughly learn Q.M.
- I came into this course not knowing much quantum. Dr. Yakovenko's
class forced me to work hard and learn the material. He
explained important points well and was available outside of
class for more specific problems.
Sometimes it would be nice to have a lecture that predates the
assigned homework.
Last updated September 3, 1996
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