Some Web sites of interest and relevance to Physics 731


Extensive set of solid-state problems (without solutions)

Highlights from Simulations for Solid State Physics

Periodic table, with extensive information about each element

Package crw.solid

Lattice Structures:

Pictures of common crystal lattices

Crystal-drawing program (partially operational)

Crystal systems, in the context of minerals

AT&T Labs catalog of lattices, extensive and often technical

Quasitiler 3.0, for constructing quasicrystals in 2-D, with good references

Research at Iowa State on quasicrystal surfaces, with references

Manual for LATUSE of BALSAC, software for visualizing various surface structures; available (see instructor)

Manual for ARTbuild, an interactive program for creation of atomic structures; available (see instructor)

Cambridge Structural Database If you use this and find it helpful, please provide feedback to instructor!

Authoritative information on nomenclature for crystal families and Bravais-lattice types


Reciprocal Lattices:

IUCr "pamphlet" on reciprocal lattices

Brief summary of crystal systems and Miller indices

Tutorial on X-ray diffraction from Lawrence-Livermore Nat'l Lab

Adjustable 2D lattice with 2-atom basis, and its reciprocal (inc. intensity variations)

Ewald construction

More detailed description of Ewald construction

Ewald construction for a surface or 2D lattice

Extensive tutorial, with java applets, on structure factor, Miller indices, etc.

Description of XrayView, software package tutorial about x-ray diffraction, for use with Silicon Graphics computers

M. Van Hove's LEED [theory] site

Lecture notes on LEED by Maryland graduate Prof. Tim Ohno

Real-space Structural Probes:

Grant Bunker's tutorial documents on X-ray absorption fine-structure techniques

Beautiful STM images courtesy of IBM

STM research groups

Collection of sites related to neutron scattering

Chemical aspects, bonds

Overview of bonding (from chemistry perspective), inc. hybridization

Lecture notes on hybridization from undergrad chemistry course

Collection of internet resources about chemistry


Lattice Vibrations:

Phonon dispersion for 1D diatomic chain

Phonon dispersion in 1D (senior project in UK at U. Newcastle)

Phonon dispersion of diamond and of graphite

Phonon density of states via "debye"

Electronic band structure:

Fancy java applet for venerable Kronig-Penney model (but may require downloading peripheral software; posted by Kevin Schmidt of Arizona State Univ.)

Nice site on periodic potentials, with java applet for venerable Kronig-Penney model (This site is in Spanish, but the physics is readily understandable. Or you can translate it using Babel Fish.)

Electrons in 2D hexagonal TB lattice: energy contours and DOS

Electrons in external fields:

Landau levels


Tutorial/book on semiconductor devices