Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-4111
Physics 731 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #4 Due: Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2000
Read Ashcroft & Mermin (A&M), chaps. 21 & 22.
1. A&M 22–1
2. A&M 22–2
3. A&M 22–3
4. A&M 22–5, parts a, b, and c only. Hint for part a: Use the chain rule to show
¶ f /¶ Rm = f ¢ ¶ R/¶ Rm = f ¢ Rm /R etc. (where R2 = S m Rm 2),
and thence get f m n = ¶ 2f /¶ Rm ¶ Rn in eq. (22.11).
5. [Essentially Kittel (7th) 4–7]: Consider a simple model of soft phonon modes: Consider a line of ions of equal mass but alternating in charge, with qm = (-1)me as the charge on the mth ion. Their interatomic potential is the sum of two contributions: 1) a short-range interaction of force constant K1R = g that acts between nearest neighbors only, and 2) a Coulomb interaction between all ions.
where w 02 = 4g /M and
Also look carefully at problem 22–4. The three results are interesting and important, but somewhat tedious to derive.
Solutions will also be provided to the following problem, which you should not turn in but may find interesting:
Consider a monatomic chain of N+1 atoms with interatomic separation a, as discussed in class. Supposed rather than periodic [B-vK] boundary conditions, we use fixed boundary conditions: u(0) º 0 and u(Na) º 0. What are the allowed independent values of k? How many are there? (Note that these solutions are standing waves rather than traveling waves.) Compare and reconcile your findings with those for periodic boundary conditions.