Elizabeth J.
Professor of Physics
Room 4211-B in the Physics Bldg
Here is a 2-page CV . For the long version with a full
publication list, go
instead .
Recent Class Assignments
Research Interests: Experimental Nuclear Physics
- Radiative
beta decay of the neutron (RDK) at the
nuclear reactor at NIST
in Gaithersburg, MD. This experiment is being led by
the Fundamental
Physics group.
- An
experiment to search for an electric dipole moment of the neutron which
will eventually take place at the new Spallation Neutron Source in Oak
Ridge, TN. Here's
some info.
- Tom Langford is working with the NIST
group to develop a fast neutron spectrometer for neutron flux
measurements deep underground and elsewhere.
Past Experiments were major activities:
experiment at the MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator in Middleton, MA.
(completed in 2003).
- The structure of the deuteron: t20
in (ee'd)
in Hall C
Jefferson Lab (completed
in 2000).
Representative publications:
- D. Androić et
al. (G0 Collaboration), Strange Quark
Contributions to Parity-Violating Asymmetries in the Backward Angle G0
Electron Scattering Experiment, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 104, 012001 (2010), (arXiV:
- T. Horn et al.,
Determination of the Pion Charge Form Factor at Q2=1.60
and 2.45 (GeV/c)2, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 97, 192001 (2006) , (nucl-ex/0607005).
- D.S. Armstrong et al., Strange
Quark Contributions to Parity-Violating Asymmetries in the Forward G0
Electron-proton Scattering Experiment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 092001 (2005), (nucl-ex/0506021).
- S. D. Covrig,
etal., The Cryogenic Target for the
G$^0$ Experiment at Jefferson Lab, Nucl. Instr.
Meth. A 551, 218 (2005), (nucl-ex/0502019).
- E.J. Beise, M.L. Pitt and D.T. Spayde, The SAMPLE
Experiment and Weak Nucleon Structure Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 54 (2005) 289,
- D.T. Spayde
et al., The Strange Quark Contribution to
the Proton's Magnetic Moment, Phys. Lett. B 583 (2004) 79 ,
- T. Ito et al., Parity-violating
Electron Deuteron Scattering and the Proton's Neutral Weak Axial Vector
Form Factor, Phys.
Lett. 92, 102003 (2004) , (nucl-ex/0310001).
- R. M. Mohring
et al., Separation of the longitudinal and transverse cross sections in
the H(e,e'
K)Lambda and H(e,e' K)Sigma reactions, Phys. Rev. C 67,
055205 (2003) , (nucl-ex/0211005).
- S.P. Wells et al., Measurement of
the Vector Analyzing Power in Elastic Electron Proton Scattering as a
Probe of Double Photon Exchange Amplitudes, Phys. Rev. C
63, 064001 (2001). (nucl-ex/0002010).
- R. Hasty et al., Strange Magnetism
and the Anapole Structure of the Proton, Science,
290, 2117 (2000).
- D. Abbott et al., Phenomenology of
the Deuteron Electromagnetic Form Factors, Euro.
7, 421 (2000) .
- D. Abbott et al., Measurement of
Tensor Polarization in Elastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering at Large
Momentum Transfer, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.,
Rev. Lett. 84, 5053 (2000).
- D. Abbott et al., Precise
Measurement of the Deuteron Elastic Structure Function A(Q2), Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1379 (1999).
- E. J. Beise, et al., A High Power
Liquid Hydrogen Target for Parity Violation Experiments, Nucl. Instrum.
Methods A378, 383 (1996).
Ph.D. theses of
students who have worked with me: (you can find their theses at www.physics.umd.edu/enp/theses , and you can find out what they're doing
now by clicking here.
Colleen Ellis, Ph.D.
Jon Miller, Ph.D. 2009
Tanja Horn, Ph.D., 2006
Jianglai Liu, Ph.D., 2006 (Jianglai won the 2006 Jefferson
Science Associates thesis award at Jefferson Laboratory)
Damon T. Spayde, Ph.D., 2001 (Damon won the 2001 Peter Demos Award at
the MIT-Bates Laboratory)
Kenneth Gustafsson, Ph.D., 2000
Richard K. Mohring, Ph.D., 1999
Here's a talk I put together in 2006 on