Condensed Matter Physics Seminar
2 p.m., Thursday, February 8, 2007
Room 1201, Physics Building
Dynamical vanishing and persistent oscillations of the order parameter
in fermionic condensates
Emil Yuzbashyan
Abstract: I will discuss the dynamics of a condensate of ultra-cold
atomic fermions following an abrupt change of the pairing strength. At long
times the system goes to a non-stationary steady state, which we determine
exactly. Two peculiar "dynamical phase transitions" are present. When the
coupling is decreased below a certain threshold, the order parameter vanishes
exponentially in time. In this case, the steady state of the system is a novel
gapless superfluid state. On the other hand, if the coupling is increased above
a certain critical value, the order parameter displays persistent periodic
oscillations. I will also discuss the experimental signatures of the novel
Host: Galitski
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