Condensed Matter Physics Seminar
2 p.m., Thursday, February 16, 2006
Room 1201, Physics Building
Charge Phase Duality in a Fluctuating Electromagnetic Environment
David Haviland
(Royal Institute of Technology, Albanova University Center, Sweden)
containing Josephson junctions are often understood in terms of a
semi-classical, non-linear dynamics the Josephson phase. A reasonably complete
understanding of the circuit electrodynamics has been achieved in many regimes,
with good correspondence between theory and experiment – provided that the
coupling to the dissipative electrodynamics of the junction environment is
weak. This talk will report on our investigations of the strong coupling
regime, where a semi-classical picture based on phase dynamics is not
appropriate. Rather, we explain this strong coupling regime using a
semi-classical change dynamics which is exactly dual the phase dynamics.
Host: Wellstood
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