In the second part, I will discuss the resistivity rule, i.e., Rxx ~ B x dRxy/dB. This empirical rule was observed twenty years ago. Yet, today we have only a relatively complex model that addresses the origin of this rule. What’s more interesting is that in the second LL, since Rxy switches back and forth between FQHE and IQHE values several times as the filling factor varies from ν =4 to ν = 2, this non-monotonic Rxy leads to regions of negative B x dRxy/dB, which cannot find an equivalent in Rxx, a positive definite, thus apparently violating the empirical rule. However, in a more detailed examination, we found, surprisingly, a new resistivity rule in the second LL. The regular, positive parts of B x dRxy/dB are well reflected in Rxx(+B), whereas the irregular negative going sections of B x dRxy/dB closely match the inverted Rxx(-B) trace, where -B refers to the opposite magnetic field direction of +B. It is unclear whether our observations of an expanded resistivity rule reinforces or refutes the present model of its origin.