Condensed Matter Physics Seminar
Note Special Time!
10:30 a.m., Friday, May 13
Room 1201, Physics Building
Spin dependent electron energy loss spectroscopy and its application to spin
waves and Stoner excitations in ultra-thin films
Harald Ibach
(Research Center, Juelich, Germany)
Abstract: Magnetic phenomena have fascinated humanity for
millennia. Scientific research on magnetic properties of materials began with
the development of electrification in the late 19th century. Ever since then,
research on magnetism has been an important part of Material Science. Currently,
research is spurred by technological demands for larger and faster data storage
device and the attention is focused on magnetism of surfaces, thin films and
nanostructures. This talk is about one of the last hitherto unexplored magnetic
properties of thin films, namely their magnetic excitation spectrum. By
constructing a novel type of electron spectrometer we have been able to look at
the magnetic excitation spectrum of ultra-thin films deposited on a nonmagnetic
substrate. Several examples will presented as well as an outlook into future
Host: Einstein
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