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Dear Readers,

Five years ago I was taking courses towards a bachelor’s degree in Registered Nursing, only to discover that my heart wasn’t into it and my stomach couldn’t handle the medical field. This decision, not only, increased my student loans, but also managed to add an extra year to my college curriculum. Still, I have to agree with alumnus, Richard Barber, when he says, “don’t be afraid to try new things that might not work out, you’ll probably learn more from your failures anyway.” To read more about Richard’s journey after graduation and how it lead him to his position at Santa Clara University, check out this month’s Alumni Spotlight.

Fortunately, this department is filled with excellent faculty who aim to advise and support students through all of their endeavors. In fact, together, Professor Betsy Beise and Maryland Alumna Kristin Kiriluk participated in an experiment that appeared in the December issue of Nature Magazine. And they aren’t the only ones hard at work; these past few months, several of our faculty have appeared in the news. You can read more about it in the News Section. Also, Victor Galitski wrote this month’s Research Spotlight, which gives us insight into his current research.

I enjoy informing you all on the department’s successes, and had I not explored my options early on in college, I may not have had this opportunity.



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