NGLR: Next Generation Lunar Retroreflector

University of Maryland, College Park

On July 1, 2019, NASA selected the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) to design and develop the Next Generation Lunar Retroreflectors to be deployed on the lunar surface in 2021 (landing now delayed to summer 2024). Subsequently, UMD established the Next Generation Lunar Retroflector (NGLR) project.

The project has been implemented at UMD under the direction of Dr. Douglas Currie, Professor Emeritus. In 1969 when he was a University of Maryland Professor of Physics, Dr. Currie helped to design the three still-in-use lunar instruments placed on the Moon by Apollo Missions 11, 14, and 15.

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center oversees implementation of the NGLR project at UMD and conducts regular meetings and receives monthly reports as well as other reports as needed.

The first Next Generation Lunar Retroreflector (NGLR-1)


Lunar Landing

A successful Landing of the Blue Ghost lander, made by Firefly Aerospace, took place March 2, 2025, at 3:45am EST. The nominal landing site is Mare Crisium, in the ME reference frame. Coordinates will be:


Coverage of the landing and initial deployment may be viewed at and, and

The Firefly Blue Ghost Mission 1, named Ghost Riders in the Sky, launched on January 15 and completed its 45-day Earth to Moon transit before softly touching down on the Moon on March 2 at 3:34am EST at Mare Crisium near Mons Latreille.

Image taken from the Firefly lander showing the shadow of the Blue Ghose lander on the lunar surface. This was taken by a camera on the lander. The Earth appears in the sky.

Click here for a link to a Firefly Aerospace page with imagery.

First Lunar Laser Returns from NGLR-1

For details, click here.

Org Chart


PeopleInstitutionTitleNGLR Project
Doug Currie UMD Physics Professor Emeritus PI
Drew Baden UMD Physics Professor CoPI, Project Manager
Dennis Wellnitz UMD Astronomy Principal Faculty Specialist Deputy PI, Chief Engineer
Ruth Chiang Carter Consultant Systems Engineering/Management Specialist Deputy Project Manager
Marty Peckerar UMD ECE Professor Emeritus Thermal/Electrical Engineer
Jim Williams Cal Tech/JPL Senior Researcher Science Analysis of LLR
Laila Wise UMD Physics Faculty Research Assistant Science Analysis of LLR
Chensheng Wu KBR Systems Optical System Designer Optical Engineer
Dale Boggs JPL Senior Research Scientist
William Kleyman UMD ECE Faculty Research Assistant Mechanical Engineer
Brad Behr Tornado Spectral Systems Chief Technical Officer Optical Engineer
Giovanni Delle Monache LNF-INFN Head, Crygenics Division Thermal Engineer Thermal Desktop
Naomi Russo Physics Department Assistant Director Finance and Business Operations Project Financial Manager,
Les Putnam Physics Department Director of Physics and IPST Shops Fabrication


The Next Generation Lunar Retroreflector project will support Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) to be conducted by Earth-based LLR Observatories (LLROs). This is the culmination of a program started within the Apollo Mission, with the Principal Investigator (PI) at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP, updated to UMD when it was designated the flagship campus of the University System of Maryland (USM)). Observations by the LLROs have continued from 1969 to the present. Two of the participants in this current NGLR-LSITP (Professor Douglas Currie and Dr. James Williams) were key members of the team that over the past 5 decades successfully fabricated the Apollo Arrays, analyzed the data, and published the lunar, astrophysical, and gravitational results, and tests of General Relativity, and the two fundamental selenodetic coordinate systems.

Starting in 2004 when NASA decided to return to the Moon, Professor Currie has been pursuing the design of a Cube Corner Retroreflector (CCR) of 10 cm aperture to provide the capability of a retroreflector that provides a much higher precision by eliminating the spread in ranges due to the effect of the librations on the array of smaller CCRs in the Apollo Retroreflector Arrays (ARAs). This results in photon returns with a very narrow spread in the timing of reflected photons, thereby providing returns with higher precision and realizable roundtrip travel time accuracy. It has taken many years of research to be able to manufacture reliably and accurately such a large retroreflector, which requires exceptionally high-purity fused silica in the manufacture of the retroreflector. The other critical challenge is to isolate the much colder CCR from the hot housing during the lunar daytime in order to preserve the optical perfection of the CCR.

Published Papers and Abstracts

A general description of the NGLR program

A Lunar Laser Ranging Retroreflector Array for the 21st Century
 Douglas G. Currie, Simone Dell'Agnello, Giovanni O. Delle Monache, Bradford Behr, James G. Williams

A simulation of the advances in the scientific results available with deployment of NGLRs

 James G. Williams , Dale H. Boggs , and Douglas G. Currie
 The Planetary Science Journal, 3:136 (14pp), 2022 June

An earlier general description of the NGLR program and discussion of lack of change in Big G

A Lunar Laser Ranging Retroreflector Array for the 21st Century
 Douglas Currie, Simone Dell'Agnello, Giovanni Delle Monache
 Acta Astronautica 68 (2011) 667-680

Discovery of Liquid Core of the Moon and Rotational Energy Dissipation

Lunar rotational dissipation in solid body and molten core
 James G. Williams, Dale H. Boggs, Charles F. Yoder, J. Todd Ratcliff, and Jean O. Dickey
 Journal Of Geophysical Research, Vol. 106, No. E11, Pages 27,933-27,968, November 25, 2001

Analysis of lack of change in the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) as a test of General Relativity

Lunar Laser Ranging Science: Gravitational Physics and Lunar Interior and Geodesy
 James G. Williams, Slava G. Turyshev, Dale H. Boggs, and J. Todd Ratcliff

Another Analysis of lack of change in the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) as a test of General Relativity

Lunar Laser Ranging Tests of the Equivalence Principle With the Eearth and Moon
 James G. Williams, Slava G. Turyshev, Dale H. Boggs
 International Journal of Modern Physics D
 World Scientific Publishing Company January 2, 2009
arXiv:gr-qc/0507083v2 2 Jan 2009

Far Field Diffraction Patterns, Offset Angles for Correction of Velocity Aberration

Lunar Laser Ranging Retroreflectors: Velocity Aberration and Diffraction Pattern
 James G. Williams, Luca Porcelli, Simone Dell'Agnello, Lorenza Mauro, Marco Muccino, Douglas G. Currie,
  Dennis Wellnitz, Chensheng Wu, Dale H. Boggs, and Nathan H. Johnson
 The Planetary Science Journal, 4:89 (22pp), 2023 May
 ©2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.

Presentations at National and International Conferences

Atmospheric Effects effects in the approaches toward sub-millimeter LLR Ranging Accuracy

Atmosperic Effects and the Ultimate Ranging Accuracy for Lunar Laser Ranging
 Douglas Currie and Ivan Prochazka
 19th International Workshop on Laser Ranging
 27-31 October 2014 Annapolis, MD

Overview of NGLR Program for General Audience presented to the ILRS School

Introductory and Refresher Course on Satellite and Lunar Laser Ranging
 emsp;Doug Currie & Jean-Marie Torre
 ILRS Laser Ranging School, October 2019, Stuttgart, Germany

Cryogenic emissivity of LaserGold, SOOTO Thermal Simulation Program

Critical Thermal Control Issues for Gravitation and General Relativity Tests
 Professor Douglas Currie with Giovanni Delle Monache, Bradford Behr, Simone Dell'Agnello, and Chensheng Wu
 Spacecraft Thermal Control Workshop, March 26, 2019