I have been keeping statistics of the cases and deaths, and being a physicist who is used to looking at data and doing fits, I'm presenting what I see. First, it's always good to make plots and see what's what. But then, it's pretty easy to make plots that have information but are useless, something wonderfully communicated by XKCD!

Courtesy of XKCD

Below you will see all the places (continents, nations, states, counties) that I have data for. All data comes from the COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins. Files for US cases, US deaths, Global cases, and Global deaths can all be found linked from here.

This is version and we are using UMD_plot version .

instructions on how to fetch and plot data.

Normalize to 100k population?
Default data to plot:

Cases Ave Cases Deaths Ave Deaths

To make plots:
• After pushing the "Fetch All data" button above, push this button to show a predetermined set of plots, or...
• Select places of interest by clicking on the triangles and expanding below (see above "Show" button for help). Push this button to .

Last updated Feb 11, 2022 Drew Baden

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