HFT Demo board with two XC2VP40 (RocketIO)

Updated : Oct 27th, 2005 (last changes marked with **)

** This mezzanine board plugs on 3 (or 4?) PMC/SLB posts of the HTR motherboard and must fit the width of one VME slot.
It includes:

1  FPGA for transmission - XC2VP40-FF1152   
1  Am29LV116D PROM (same part and scheme as on HTR) for Tx-FPGA
1  MEG-Array connector FCI PN 84512 for parallel optic transmitter

1  FPGA for reception - XC2VP40-FF1152    
1  Am29LV116D PROM (same part and scheme as on HTR) for Rx-FPGA
1  MEG-Array connector FCI PN 84512 for parallel optic receiver

12 PMC connectors to connect to the motherboard.
1 nonvolatile 3.3V CPLD (e.g. XC95288XL-TQ144) to allow to reprogram the Flash memory over VME/LocalBus.

Picolight; PL-TCP-00-S53 and corresponding receivers PL-RCP-00-S53; compatible with the socket MEG-Array connector FCI PN 84512.

We need two independent clock circuitries for transmitter and receiver, to emulate two separate boards.
Input to the clock pins of the FPGAs should come from:
1) Two mini USB connectors for Clk80, terminated as the signal CLEAN_CLOCK_P/N on the HTR. The pair must connest to the pin pair (GCLK4S, GCLK5P) and to the pin pair (GCLK6P, GCLK7S). We may need a differential fanout chip.
2) Two diff-PECL crystal oscillators (we can reuse the same scheme as in the HTR, if it fits and parts are available). The Rx-crystal will be a little faster than the Tx-crystal. The pair must connect to the pin pair (GCLK2S, GCLK3P) and to the pin pair (GCLK0P, GCLK1S). We may need a differential fanout chip.
3) Two 3.3V-LVDS pairs RX_CLK_*P and RX_CLK_*N from the motherboard, to one of the remaining clock input pair.

- The 12 TxFPGA pin pairs (TXPPAD*, TXNPAD*) connect to the "Tx" MegArray.
- The 12 RxFPGA pin pairs (RXPPAD*, RXNPAD*) connect to the "Rx" MegArray.
- JTAG connects all FPGAs (short the 2 unused JTAG TDI/TDOs).
- The TxFPGA connects to (some) data lines from the PMC connectors.
- The FPGAs should be connected by several LVDS pairs, with various routing.
- The FPGAs and CPLD have several spare connections.
- ** two more mini USB connect to two differential pin pairs (not clock) of the TxFPGA. - PIN LIST of XC2VP40

Vcco of FPGAs connected to 2.5V.
See page 109 (Power Conditioning) of RocketIO Transceiver User Guide.

Reccomandation: design in metric units for part placement and routing; use a 0.2mm trace and a 0.1mm routing grid and a 1mm placement grid for these BGA's. Use 24/12 via (.024 pad/.012 drill).
The data lines from the PMC connectors to the two Virtex2Pro run at 80 Mb/s. They should have a clean routing with minimal crossing and vias.
Special care for high-speed serial lines to/from the MEG-Array connectors and for the clock lines: max mismatch in length for complementary traces is 1.2 mm. If there are vias on these lines a capacitor of value 0.01 µF should be connected across the two reference layers close to the vias where the signals change layers. Clearance = 5x trace-width. See RocketIO Transceiver User Guide

PCB plating: for BGAs: we had good experience only with gold, while pads for MEG-Array connector should be Copper with OSP or HASL [page 8 of Application Spec on  https://portal.fciconnect.com/res/en/pdffiles/Specs/gs-20-033.pdf ]
Decision: we use gold.

FPGA considerations:
The RocketIO reference clock must be at least 50 MHz and should have a frequency stability of ±100 ppm or better, with jitter as low as possible.


CPLD Project
and programming file
and O.S.
jed n.a.
ISE7.1.4 on WinXP n.a. Non functional version.
Used to evaluate logic occupancy on a XC95288XL-6-TQ144: 52% without crc; ~%80 with crc.
This version is a good starting point to get a functional version;
it only tries to write into the Flash memory and configure the FPGA.

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