Phys 624 - Quantum Field Theory
University of Maryland, College Park
Fall 2017, Professor: Ted Jacobson

Tentative course plan - will be adjusted during semester.

Numbers refer to Schwartz book and Weigand notes chapters/sections, and are rough indicators only.
Items in light gray are from last year and therefore only a suggestion. Some will surely change.

Aug. 29, 31
1,2; 1.1,2   a bit of history, concept of quantum field and vacuum, harmonic oscillator, Lagrangian formulation of small amplitude string motion
1,2; 1.1,2,4,5    quantum scalar field
5, 7
1.6,7,8; vacuum energy, Fock space;
review of special relativity (notes)
 more relativity
12, 14
1.10,11 Heisenberg picture, causality
2.1,2.2  Feynman propagator, interacting vacuum, Kallen-Lehmann representation
Sept. 19, 21
6, 2.3,4 S-matrix, asymptotic states, LSZ reduction formula
7, 2.5 interaction picture
26, 28
7, 2.5-10  Wick's theorem, diagrammatic expansion, Feynman rules
2.9,10 1PI diagrams, dressed propagator, Feynman rules for S-matrix
Oct. 3, 5
5,  7, 2.11 tree-level 2-2 scattering in ϕ3\phi^3 theory, Mandelstam parameters, cross-sections  5, 2.11 2-body phase space;
decay rates
10, 12
8 spin-1 field with nonzero mass 10 massless spin-1 field, gauge invariance, gauge covariant derivative
17, 19
10, 11  spinors; Dirac equation, Weyl equation, Dirac matrices; SL(2,C) double cover of SO(3,1) 10, 11 spinors;  L & R representations of the Lorentz group; Lorentz invariance of the action; Majorana mass term
24, 26
12 complex mass parameters, CP violating phases in mass matrix, Euler-Lagrange equations for complex field variables, quantizing spinors, T-ordering fermions, Lorentz invariance of Feynman propagator
12 positive  energy & anticommutators,  negative vacuum energy, phase invariance  & charge conservation, anti-particles, gauge-covariant derivative, gauge-invariant em action
Oct. 31, Nov.  2
13 Higgs mechanism; QED, Feyn. rules 13 QED; cross section for electron-positron scattering to hadrons; asymptotic freedom
7, 9
Compton scattering
radiative corrections
14, 16
Lamb shift

21, 23
renormalized charge in QED, momentum dependence of potential, effective charge

Nov. 28, 30
continuation of last class, beta function for QED, Landau pole
non-Abelian gauge theory, beta function for QCD, asymptotic freedom
5, 7
coupling constant unification, renormalized perturbation theory Classification of renormalizable theories, effective field theories, hierarchy problem