Phys 624 - Quantum Field Theory
University of Maryland, College Park
Fall 2016, Professor: Ted Jacobson
The Big Picture:
Vision, LHCP 2016, Frank Wilczek
of Force and Substance, 2015, Frank Wilczek
Asymptotic freedom as a
magnetic effect:
freedom as a spin effect
N. K. Nielsen, Am. J. Phys. 49, 1171 (1981)
Comments On Asymptotic Freedom
Richard J. Hughes, Phys.Lett. 97B (1980)
Comments On Asymptotic Freedom
Richard J. Hughes, Nucl.Phys. B186 (1981) 376-396
Some Observable
Effects of the Quantum-Mechanical Fluctuations of the
Electromagnetic Field
A. Welton,
Phys. Rev. 74, 1157 (1948)
an understanding of the spin-statistics theorem, Ian
Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan, Am. J. Phys. 66, 284 (1998)
Quantum Theory of the Electron, P.A.M.
Dirac, 1928 (open the pdf from Proc. Roy. Soc.
A website)
Conceptual Framework of Quantum Field Theory,
by Anthony Duncan: (Click on the book image to open
the book. You can read it online.) I recommend this in general, and
in particular, if you are interested in the history of the subject,
for Chapter 2: Gestation and birth of
interacting field theory: from Dirac to Shelter Island.
Relativistic Anyons?
An interesting question was raised Tues. Sept. 13 concerning anyons:
when I mentioned that although causality seems to require
commutators to vanish at spacelike separation, for fermions actually
the anti-commutators vanish, but it all turns out to be ok. I should
have said why: because the Hamiltonian must be constructed from
operators with an even number of fermion fields in order to be
hermitian, and to be a scalar. A student asked what about anyons? I
found a couple of references proving that there can be no
relativistic free theory of anyons. I haven't studied these yet, but
thought I would pass them along:
No-Go Theorem for ``Free'' Relativistic Anyons in d=2+1
Jens Mund
Braid group statistics implies scattering in three-dimensional
local quantum physics
Jacques Bros, Jens Mund
This paper on charged field seems to get around the obstruction in
some sense. Unfortunately it doesn't talk about observables and
causality, but there is something rather nonlocal about the whole
Wedge Local Deformations of Charged Fields leading to Anyonic
Commutation Relations
Here's an article that might be of
interest for those inclined to the most general and mathematically
precise formulations. It is based on an axiomatic approach to
quantum field theory, which has in particular the advantage of
showing how general certain results are, and sidesteps complications
related to divergences and renormalization in interacting theories:
Localization and
Entanglement in Relativistic Quantum Physics
Jakob Yngvason
Abstract: The combination of quantum theory and special relativity
leads to structures that differ in several respects from
non-relativistic quantum mechanics of particles. These differences
are quite familiar to practitioners of Algebraic Quantum Field
Theory but less well known outside this community. The paper is
intended as a concise survey of some selected aspects of
relativistic quantum physics, in particular regarding localization
and entanglement.
The Lamb Shift
Fine Structure of the
Hydrogen Atom by a Microwave Method, Willis E. Lamb, Jr. and
Robert C. Retherford, Phys. Rev. 72, 241 – Published 1
August 1947