homework grades
This page shows the grade on each homework, together
with the average
computed dropping the lowest two. At the bottom of the page is a plot
showing all the homework scores.
total grades
This page shows the letter grade, the total score, the
raw score on each exam, and the curved scores:
ex1n = ex1*4 + 16, ex2n =
ex2*4 + 10, ex3n = ex3*4 + 10.
It also shows the hw average with the lowest
two dropped.
The total number is computed according to the formula given in the
It can be evaluated like this:
Order your exam scores as lowest, middle, and highest.
If homework score is higher than the middle one of your three exam
scores the weights are:
lowest exam: 15%
middle exam: 25%
highest exam: 35%
homework: 25%
If homework score is lower than the middle one of your three exam
scores the weights are:
lowest exam: 15%
middle exam: 35%
highest exam: 35%
homework: 15%