Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC)
The NSF-supported Materials Research Science and Engineering
Center applies innovative scanned probe microscopies to the
dynamics of materials at the nanoscale, including ferroelectric
switching and electromigration.
Laboratory for Ion Beam Research and Applications (LIBRA)
This center is mainly devoted to focused ion beam nonofabrication
and to the study and application of ion-surface interactions.
Center for Superconductivity Research (CSR)
The CSR conducts interdisciplinary research in superconductivity,
magnetism, ferroelectricity, the synthesis and characterization
of advanced electronic materials and devices, and the development
of scanning probe microscopies.
Smart Small Systems/MEMS
Activities in these areas are spread over 5 departments and
are aimed at micro/nano fabricated devices that have built in
intelligence and that perform useful functions.
Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP)
These laboratories feature nanoscale-controlled materials processing.
The Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing supports chemical
vapor and atomic layer deposition of metals and ultra-thin metal
nitrides, low-K dielectric material processing, and real-time,
in situ chemical sensing for process understanding and control.
The Plasma Processing Laboratory also contains state-of-the-art
tools for processing advanced materials and nanostructures in
partially ionized gases, as well as gas phase/surface diagnostics.
and Nanostructured Materials
The Nanoparticle Fabrication Laboratory includes a hybrid nanoparticle
nucleation/CVD reactor for forming nanporous materials; CVD
systems for atomic layer by layer growth of oxides including
ultra-thin dielectrics, complex oxides, and nonlaminate films;
and surface spectroscopy and optical characterization instruments
to study film properties.
Molecular Electronics
Extensive in-house facilities and instrumentation are being
used in the design, synthesis and evaluation of new molecular
frameworks that can serve as analogs of diodes and transistors.
Nanoelectronics Research
Research in nanoscale electronics is supported by SEMs converted
for electron beam lithography; cryogenic magnetotransport systems,
cryogenic STMs and AFMs with magnetic field; FTIR spectrometry.
Gemstone Nanotechnology Team
The goal of the University of Maryland Gemstone Nanotechnology
Team is to find practical applications of nanotechnology that
will contribute toward the greater good of society.
Laboratory for Physical Sciences
Research investment in the future of nanoelectronics includes
programs in quantum computing, quantum-MEMs, novel scanned probe
applications, supported by state-of-the-art fabrication facilities.
Goddard Space Flight Center, Detector Development Branch
Innovative development of integrated sensor technologies in
support of space missions, including single-electron transistors,
MEMs, and novel materials applications.