Foundations and Frontiers of Physics

Fall 2024 and Spring 2025

An informal seminar for first year graduate students.
Wednesdays, 5:00pm PSC 2136

Course Description

The Foundations and Frontiers of Physics Seminar is a required non-credit seminar for the first-year graduate students. However, all graduate students are invited to attend. The main purpose of this seminar course is to attempt to convey the sort of "feel" for physics that is ordinarily not communicated in course work, seminars or even colloquia. This includes elementary arguments, analogies and "back-of-the-envelope calculations". The seminars will be presented by various faculty members and other researchers associated with the department. We hope that the course will promote collegiality among the students and faculty, enhance the human side of graduate training in physics, and help students to become familiar with the research going on in the department.

The seminars will start at 5:00 pm every other Wednesday, more or less, according to the schedule below. There may be additional time for further discussion after the seminars.

Schedule, Fall 2024, Spring 2025

Sep 11, 2024Elizabeth BennewitzMental Health and Us: Building a Better Department
Sep 25, 2024Professor Tom CohenTheoretical nuclear and particle physics
Oct 9, 2024Professor Min OuyangExperimental condensed matter physics
Oct 23, 2024Professor Greg SullivanParticle astrophysics experiment
Nov 6, 2024Professor Zohreh DavoudiTheoretical complex systems, quantum physics
Nov 20, 2024Professor Phil SpranglePlasma physics
Dec 4, 2024Professor Dan LathropExperimental nonlinear dynamics
Feb 5, 2025Professor Paolo BedaqueTheoretical nuclear and particle physics
Feb 19, 2025Professor Kara HoffmanParticle astrophysics experiment
Mar 5, 2025Professor Anson HookParticle theory
Mar 26, 2025Professor JP PaglioneExperimental condensed matter
Apr 9, 2025Professor Z. ChackoParticle theory
Apr 23, 2025Professor Raj RoyNonlinear dynamics

Course Requirement

Course requirement: attendance to 10 out of the 13 scheduled seminars over the Fall and the Spring seminars. You will have to complete the course the following year if you do not fulfill this. (Attendance will be recorded.)


Prof. Alberto BelloniPSC 3208F56058
Prof Drew BadenPSC 3208D56069

Guidelines for Speakers