Physics 798G – Spring 2007
Instructor: Professor Ho Jung Paik
4204B Physics, Phone: 301-405-6086, E-mail:
hours: Tu Th 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. or by
Description: General Relativity and the Standard
Model of particle physics, which constitute the core of our understanding of
the universe, are challenged by observation and the need to unify them. We review the progress being made in
Experimental Gravitation and Astrophysics.
We review tests of Newton’s law and the Equivalence Principle and
searches for spin-mass coupling, which all represent searches for new interactions
and dark matter particles. We also discuss
the experimental techniques and astrophysical significance of gravitational
wave detection, and survey astrophysical observations in microwave, x-ray, and
gamma-ray bands. Some of the topics
covered are research projects being carried out at the University of
Maryland. External lecturers will be
invited to cover specialized topics.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of General Relativity is not required. Any first or second year graduate student should be able to take this course. (There will be no textbook.)
Lectures: Tu Th 11:00-12:15 (Room 1201, Physics).
Reports: There will be no exams but there will
be some reading assignments and quizzes.
Students will be assigned to prepare and submit a written report on a
topic chosen from a variety of topics suggested. Each student will also be required to make a short presentation
based on his or her report at the end of the semester.
Grading: Your course grade will be based on the following percentages:
25% Quizzes: 25%
report: 25% Presentation: 25%
Course Schedule (Tentative):
Tue |
Material |
Thu |
Material |
1/25 |
Gravitation & astrophysics:
Introduction |
1/30 |
From Newton’s law to GR (TJ) |
2/1 |
General Relativity (TJ) |
2/6 |
Theories beyond GR (ML) |
2/8 |
Classical and modern tests of GR |
2/13 |
Tests of Equivalence Principle
& 1/r2 law |
2/15 |
Null test of 1/r2 law using SGG |
2/20 |
Tests of 1/r2 law at sub-millimeter distances |
2/22 |
Lunar laser ranging (SM) |
2/27 |
Satellite tests of GR: GP-B, STEP
& TRIO |
3/1 |
SUSY, cosmic rays (students) |
3/6 |
Tour of Gravitation Laboratory
(VP) |
3/8 |
Determination of G (SM) |
3/13 |
Cosmic microwave background (AK) |
3/15 |
Neutrino astrophysics (JG) |
3/20 |
-- Spring Break -- |
3/22 |
-- Spring Break -- |
3/27 |
GWs: Introduction and sources (AB) |
3/29 |
GW sources, binary pulsars
(students) |
4/3 |
Resonant-mass GW detectors |
4/5 |
Spherical antenna, neutron stars
(students) |
4/10 |
Laser interferometer GW detectors
(PS) |
4/12 |
GW data analysis (PS) |
4/17 |
Supernova, MACHOs (students) |
4/19 |
WIMPs, axion (students) |
4/24 |
X-ray astrophysics (TS) |
4/26 |
Redshift, Lorentz invariance
(students) |
5/1 |
5/3 |
Cosmological defect, antimatter
(students) |
5/8 |
Gamma-ray astrophysics (SR) |
5/10 |
Gravitation & astrophysics:
Wrapping up |