Supplementary Materials for Phys 798S
Lecture notes
Overhead transparencies for lecture 1
Physics Today article on Heike Kamerlingh Onnes's discovery of superconductivity.
Paul Canfield's article "Still Alluring and Hard to Predict at 100"
Critical fluctuations in HTS paper by Lobb.
Beasley Search for Practical New Superconductors - ASC 2012 presentation, and the associated paper
Overhead Transparencies and notes for lecture 2
Magnetically-levitated train using superconductors sets speed record
High-temperature superconductors used in electric power applications.
Summary of normal metal and superconductor electrodynamics
Classic paper on the 2-Fluid model by Gorter
Superconducting Niobium cavity for surface impedance measurements
Superconducting wireless filters
Dissipated Power vs. Frequency (Normal vs. superconducting metals)
The Ferrell-Tinkham-Glover optical conductivity Sum Rule paper
Q+A with James Annett on the Optical Conductivity Sum Rule
Lecture 4 notes
Measurement of flux quantization
First flux quantization measurement papers by Deaver and Doll
Great introductory videos about superconductivity by Prof. Alfred Leitner
Lecture 5 summary
Background material: A nice discussion of the Free Electron Model that follows Kittel's Introduction to Solid State Physics, Chap. 6 of the 5th Edition.
The Cooper pair instability paper (Phys. Rev. 104, 1189 (1956))
Observed correlation of Tc with the density of states at the Fermi level in 4d transition metal alloys
p-wave(?) superconductivity in strontium ruthenate (Physics Today article)
Lecture 6 summary and Lecture 7 summary
Isotope effect exponent. Table of measured isotope effect exponents. Isotope effect paper by Garland (PRL 11, 114 (1963). Isotope effect in MgB2.
Background material: Debye model of lattice specific heat
Background material: Wikipedia entry for Phonons.
Vkk' for d-wave pairing. Use of this Vkk' to calculate superconducitng properties; Lenck and Carbotte (PRB 49, 4176 (1994)).
Carbotte's review article on "Properties of Boson-Exchange Superconductors"
The case for d-wave pairing in the cuprates, by Doug Scalapino.
Superconductivity in the Elements.
Lecture 8 Summary
Background material: Wikipedia entry for Second Quantization. Also Slater Determinant. Nice summary of Second Quantization: appendix of Waldram's book
The BCS paper (Phys. Rev. 108, 1175 (1957))
Overview of BCS theory by Cooper
Recollections on the development of BCS theory by Cooper, Schrieffer, and Bardeen
Lecture 9 summary
Background Material: Coherent States in Quantum Mechanics
Background Material: Grand Canonical Ensemble
BCS theory assumes equal abundance of spin-up and spin-down electrons. A recent Science paper by the MIT group shows that Fermionic superfluidity is robust against a substantial imbalance in spin populations.
Lecture 10 summary
Background Material: Variational Methods in Quantum Mechanics
A simple variational calculation from undergraduate QM: He atom ground state energy
BCS occupation distribution, compared to the Fermi function at Tc. Associated Mathematica notebook.
Lecture 11 summary
Background Material: Mean Field Theory
Mathematica calculation of approximate BCS gap temperature dependence
BCS Gap vs. Temperature in Fortran77 code. (see
The weak-coupling limit universal value for 2D(0)/kBTc for a d-wave superconductor is 4.28. See Appendix A of this paper
Lecture 12 Summary
Overhead viewgraph on BCS energy gap
Electronic Entropy and Free Energy in normal metal and superconductors
Cartoon of the electron-phonon interaction and comparison of Tc and the pairing interaction energy scale
Lecture 13 Summary
Ultrasonic Attenuation (and other perturbations on the superconducting state) measurements
Coherence Effects in superconductors (Hebel-Schlicter peak, etc.)
Paper by P. W. Anderson on the pairing of time-reversed states in a Cooper Pair
Lecture 14 summary
Strong Coupling Superconductors
Lecture 15 summary
Nice example of a "do-it-yourself" BCS calculation from the ground up: Unconventional superconductivity in YPtBi and related topological semimetals
Lecture 16 Summary
Intermediate state of type-I superconductors (domain walls), and superconducitng nanowires
Resistance versus temperature of a superconducting nanowire
Abrikosov vortex lattice (Mathematica notebook). Order parameter in square and triangular lattices
Vortex lattice imaging.
Gallery of Abrikosov vortex lattice images from the University of Oslo.
Lecture 18 Summary
Plots of single-vortex magnetic field and current for radii greater than the GL coherence length
The archived Little-Parks experiment lecture
Lecture 19 Summary
Vortex-Anti-Vortex annihilation in current-carrying superconducting strips
Vortex pinning
Lecture 20 summary
Josephson's paper on tunneling between two superconductors
Physics Today article on Bardeen and Josephson, "The Nobel Laureat versus the Graduate Student"
John Rowell presentation at ASC-2012 on Observing Josephson's Effects
R. Kautz presentation at ASC-2012 on The Josephson Voltage Standard
Am. J. Phys. article "The Josephson Effect and e over h" by John Clarke
Measuring the Current-Phase relation of a Josephson junction using an rf SQUID (Rifkin and Deaver)
Josephson current-phase relationship
Lecture 21 Summary
Inducing Josephson vortices with a microwave microscope - work by Sheng-Chiang Lee
Intrinsic Josephson effect in cuprate superconductors: Tunable THz source
Magnetic diffraction and Josephson vortex viewgraphs
Paper on the Pendulum analog of the Josephson Junction
The Josephson microprocessor, developed in Japan in the 1980's
Experimental Shapiro steps in a Nb point contact junction
Lecture 23 Summary
SQUID application to underground radio . MEG measurements with SQUIDs. A gradiometer pickup makes the SQUID more sensitive to nearby sources, as opposed to 'noise' sources further away.
Phase-sensitive measurements and high-Tc p-SQUIDs.
Review article on phase-sensitive measurements using SQUIDs by Kirtley and Tsuei.
The original Superconducting Quantum Interference (SQIF) paper
Micro-Tesla MRI with a SQUID
Lecture 24 Summary
Measurement of fluctuation susceptibility in Al nanoparticles as evidence of non-zero orber parameter above Tc
Lecture 25 Summary
Measurement of fluctuation conductivity above Tc in 1D and 2D samples
Lecture 26 Summary
Critical fluctuations in HTS paper by Lobb. A discussion of the Ginzburg criterion for critical fluctuations is presented.
Prof. Lobb paper: "When are Superconductors Really Superconducting?".
Overheads from the Kosterlitz-Thouless lecture
Pearl paper on the current distribution for vortices in two-dimensional superconducting films
Lecture 27 Summary
Superfluid Helium. Vortices in superfluid 4He.
Lecture 28 Summary
Cuprate pairing slides
Observation of the "Meissner Effect" in rotating Helium by Hess and Fairbank