Announcements for Physics 752 (Prof. Agashe) - Spring
(0). For all homeworks, please read carefully the
statements of problems, especially since notes/hints have been given in many places
and there are multiple parts to each problem.
Incoming survey form (about your particle physics background, research
interests etc.) is posted here.
(2). HWÕs
up to # 10 have been assigned here (all HWÕs and term paper are due by May 21).
(3). Solutions to some HW problems are posted here.
(4). HW
(similarly survey, term paper) submission:
please scan/take pictures of your
hand-written HW (it does not have to
be very high resolution) or (if you prefer)
just latex
it, then upload a PDF file it on to
ELMS here, navigate to Phys752 course,
then "Assignments" etc.
(5). Plan
for the ongoing several weeks of lectures (notes are here):
we are currently studying QCD sector of the SM
briefly: both theory and phenomenology
(after having a historical perspective).
In the last couple of lectures, we will discuss some ideas
beyond SM, starting with motivation, then details of grand unified theory
Guidelines for term
paper presentation/writing:
(a). For the presentation,
you should use pre-written slides,
either done by hand or typed (i.e., I prefer not to have "live" writing,
just to save time: of course, any extra comments, e.g., in
response to questions, can be added - on the fly -
to the slides as needed).
(b). For the actual term paper (at least 10 pages long, single-spaced), latex/typed is
(strongly) preferred.
(c). Each of you has been assigned 1 hour for presentation, consisting of about 45 min. of actual talk +
~5 min. questions during talk + ~5 min. discussion
after talk, with a gap of ~5 min. before the next presentation.
(7). Here is the term
paper presentation schedule:
Monday, May 17:
10-11 am.: Speaker: Edward Broadberry Topic: Renormalizability
to all orders
11am.-noon: Alex Fernez , CP Violation
noon-1 pm.: Navya Gupta, Dark Matter
break: 1 to 2 pm.)
2-3 pm.: Emily Jiang, Dark Matter
3-4 pm: Ian Texieira, CFT
4-5 pm.: Eric Kubischta, Ads/CFT
Tuesday, May 18:
10-11 am.: Yihui Lai, Neutrino Mass
11am.-noon: Hyunwoo Oh, GUT
noon-1 pm.: Mekhala Paranjpe,
Extra Dimensions
break: 1 to 2 pm.)
2-3 pm.: Pulkit Ghoderao, Extra Dimensions
3-4 pm.: Isaac Pliskin, SUSY
4-5 pm.: Andrew Shaw, TBD
5-6 pm.: Siddharth Taneja, Technicolor
(6). Office hours are just after class or by appointment (same zoom link as lectures).