
I will be away several times this semester and therefore miss a few classes. I will make these up as we go. The make up classes will be held on Fridays at 11 AM (place to be announced) unless I hear from someone that that time is not free.

I will be away on Tuesday, April 3 and Thursday, April 5. These classes will be made up on Friday, April 6 and Friday, April 13 at 11 AM in room PHYS3301.

The due date for homework assignment # 4 has been extended to Thursday, April 12.

On Thursday there will be a seminar that is closely related to the material currently being covered in class:

Date & Time: Thu, Apr 12 2007 2:00 PM -- 3:00 PM
Location: Physics Building, Room: 1201 Physics
Speaker: Andrei Sushkov, University of Maryland
Title: "Electromagnons in Multiferroics"

This seminar concerns research currently being conducted in the UMD MRSEC. I will spend part of the lecture on Thursday giving a background for the seminar.

The make up class on Friday, April 13 has been canceled. It will be rescheduled.

I will start on superconductivity on Tuesday, April 17. You should read Ashcroft and Mermin chapter 34 and/or Marder chapter 27.
There will be a make up class on Friday, April 27 at 11 am in room 3301 Physics

In problem 3 of assignment #6 there is a typo error. It should read gV instead of g/V.

The final is on the web page. You can turn your papers in to Pavel on the due date. I will be away next week but will try to answer emails. I will put solutions on the web page when I return.