Physics 420: Principles of Modern Physics (Spring 2002)

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Class description

A survey of atomic and nuclear phenomena and the main trends in modern physics. 

Appropriate for students in engineering and other physical sciences (3 credits).

Meeting times: MWF 12:00 – 12:50 pm PHY 4220.

Textbook: Modern Physics by Serway, Moses and Moyer (2nd ed).

Syllabus [pdf]



Enrique ‘Riq’ Parra

Office: CSS B0205 [directions]

Phone:  (301) 405-0052


No formal office hours are scheduled. You are encouraged to stop by my office any time for help. Call ahead to make sure that I’m there. You can also call or email me with questions.

Teaching Assistant 

Haihong Che 

Office: PHYS 1322

Phone: (301) 405-6185


Office hours:     Tuesday 12:30 – 1:30 pm

                        Thursday 12:30 – 1:30 pm




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Last modifed May 22, 2002 .

Questions or comments contact Riq Parra: