Date Mtg.# Griffiths Spring 2003 Topics
Week 1
28-Jan 1 1.1 - 1.3 Review of Mathematics I: Differential calculus
30-Jan 2 1.4 - 1.6 Review of Mathematics II: Integral calculus
Week 2
3-Feb 3 2.1 Electric Fields and Gauss's Law
4-Feb 4 2.1, 2.2 Coulomb's Law and The Electric Field
6-Feb 5 2.2 Div and Curl of E
Week 3
10-Feb 6
11-Feb 7 2.2 Electric Potential + Poisson + Laplace
13-Feb 8 2.4, 2.5, 3.1 Work and Energy
Week 4
17-Feb 9
18-Feb 10 2.4, 2.5, 3.1 Conductors, Thomas-Fermi screening, solutions to Laplace's equaqtions
20-Feb 11 3.2 Method of images
Week 5
24-Feb 12
25-Feb 13 3.3 Separation of variables in spherical coords I
27-Feb 14 3.4 Separation of variables in spherical coords II + multipole expansion
Week 6
3-Mar 15
4-Mar 16 3.4, 4.1 Multipole expansions (short) + Electric Dipole
6-Mar 17 EXAM 1, Chapters 1 - 3
Week 7
10-Mar 18
11-Mar 19 4.1 Polarization
13-Mar 20 4.2 Field of a polarized object
Week 8
17-Mar 21
18-Mar 22 5.1 Ferroelectrics/Critical behavior + Magnetic fields + Lorentz
20-Mar 23 5.2, 5.3 Force on currents I, K, J, Biot-Savart
Week 9
31-Mar 24
1-Apr 25 5.3 Biot-Savart, Div, Curl B, Ampere's Law
3-Apr 26 5.3 Ampere's Law in integral form
Week 10
7-Apr 27
8-Apr 28 5.4 Mangetic vector potential
10-Apr 29 5.4 Aharonov-Bohm Effect
Week 11
14-Apr 30
15-Apr 31 6.1, 6.2 Multipole Exapnsion for A, Magnetization
17-Apr 32 6.2, 6.3 Bound Currents, H field
Week 12
21-Apr 33 6.4 H, B, M, bound current problem, MEG
22-Apr 34 7.1 EMF, Faraday's Law
24-Apr 35 7.2 EMF, Galilean invariance, Faraday example
Week 13
28-Apr 36 Review
29-Apr 37 EXAM 2, Chapters 4 - 6
1-May 38 7.3 energy in magnetic fields, Maxwell's Eqs.
Week 14
5-May 39 7.3 Displacement currents
6-May 40 7.3 constiutive Eqs. + Boundary Conditions
8-May 41 9.1, 9.2 Boundary conditions, EM waves in vacuum
Week 15
12-May 42 9.3 Harmonic EM waves, Poynting's Theorem
12-May 43 EM waves in conductors, Review
17-May 44 FINAL EXAM 8:00 - 10:00 AM Covering ALL Material