Physics 410 - Fall 2006

Department of Physics

University of Maryland


Instructor:                     Professor Ho Jung Paik

                                    Room 4204B Physics Building, Phone: (301)405-6086


                                    Office Hours:  TTh 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon or by appointment.


Course Title:                 Classical Mechanics (4 credits)


Textbook:                     Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, Thornton and Marion (Thomson), 5th Edition


Prerequisite:                  Physics 374 or equivalent


Course Description:            Theoretical foundations of mechanics with extensive application of the methods.  Various mathematical tools of theoretical physics.


Lectures:                      TTh 9:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m., Phys. 1402


Homework:                  Homework will be assigned at the beginning of each chapter.  It is due at the beginning of the class when we start the next chapter.  Solutions will be posted on the course webpage.


Exams:                         There will be two midterms and a final.  The midterms will be given during lecture periods.  The final exam will be given at 8:00-10:00 a.m., December 15 (Fri), in Room Phys. 1402.  There will be no makeup exams!


Grading:                       Your grade for the course will be based on the following percentages:

                                                Homework:                  20%

                                                Midterm exams:            40%

                                                Final exam:                   40%


Tips:                             (1) In order to get the most out of the lectures, read the book before the material is covered in the class.  Ask questions both inside and outside the classroom.


(2) Problem solving is an essential part of physics.  You cannot learn the subject without working through problems yourself.  Do all the homework on time so that you will become familiar with the concepts introduced in previous lectures and be ready to learn new concepts built on them.


(3) You can discuss the homework problems with others but you must turn in individual solutions.  You may be asked to do a selected problem on the board in the class. 


Academic Integrity:           The University has approved a Code of Academic Integrity available on the web.  The Code prohibits students from cheating on exams, plagiarizing papers, submitting the same paper for credit in two courses without authorization, buying papers, submitting fraudulent documents, and forging signatures.  The University Senate requires that students include the following signed statement on each examination or assignment: “I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this examination (or assignment).”  Compliance with the code is administered by a Student Honor Council, which strives to promote a “community of trust” on the College park Campus.  Allegations of academic dishonesty can be reported directly to the Honor Council (314-9154) by any member of the campus community.


Course Schedule (Tentative):








Aug. 31

Chapter 2

Sep. 5

Chapter 2

Sep. 7

Chapter 2

Sep. 12

Chapter 3

Sep. 14

Chapter 3

Sep. 19

Chapter 3

Sep. 21

Chapter 5

Sep. 26

Chapter 5

Sep. 28

Special Lecture

Oct. 3

Midterm I

Oct. 5

Chapter 6

Oct. 10

Chapter 7

Oct. 12

Chapter 7

Oct. 17

Chapter 7

Oct. 19

Chapter 7

Oct. 24

Chapter 8

Oct. 26

Chapter 8

Oct. 31

Chapter 9

Nov. 2

Chapter 9

Nov. 7

Chapter 9

Nov. 9


Nov. 14

Midterm II

Nov. 16

Chapter 10

Nov. 21

Chapter 10

Nov. 23


Nov. 28

Chapter 11

Nov. 30

Chapter 11

Dec. 5

Chapter 12

Dec. 7

Chapter 12

Dec. 12


Dec. 15 (Fri)

Final Exam