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You have four particles of equal mass m confined to a thin, horizontal, circular tube of radius R. Four springs (drawn as zig-zags below) of equal spring constant k connect adjacent masses. The springs are also confined to the tube, so that the length of each spring, and hence its force, is proportional to the difference in angular position of its ends. Find out as much as you can about the normal modes and the normal frequencies of vibration of this system.First identify the number of degrees of freedom: four. So you need four coordinates. The angular differences between the masses may be tempting, but they are not all independent, because they add up tp 2p. (You could still use them if you write the kinetic energy appropriately - NOT by fixing one of them, but by implementing the constancy of angular momentum. You would then miss the w = 0 mode.) The angular position of the masses away from the equilibrium position (shown in the problem's figure) is certainly the most straightforward, and without loss of generality we may assume that the springs are unstreched at equilibrium, so