Harvey Gould & Jan Tobochnik, Thermal and Statistical Physics: 2 ways

single pdf file of entire undergraduate part (chaps 1-7) + last 2 chapters
cropped version of above pdf for use in printing 2 text pages per output page

Grading sheet used in scoring Midterm

Grading sheet used in scoring Final

Spreadsheets folder

Scanned images folder

Article on "simple" derivation of distribution functions for FD and BE statistics

Listing of Phys 404 students consenting to share their e-mail addresses (to be linked)

Materials by Chapter

Chap. 1

Heating curve for H20: heat capacity and latent heat

Vapor pressure of water

Chap. 2

Spreadsheet for Fig. 2.4

Spreadsheet for Fig. 2.5 P

Blundell Fig. 21.4 on mixing

Original derivation of Sackur-Tetrode equation, paper and seminar by W. Grimus

There are still controversies about entropy, e.g. for distinguishable particles: Swendsen's J. Stat. Phys. article (long but well formulated) and succinct (but less clear) version; opposing comment by Nagle, rebuttal by Swendsen and later review discussing disagreements

Excerpt from Sethna on non-equilibrium entropy, Shannon entropy and information theory, and a problem on black hole thermodynamics

Chap. 3

Dramatic example of negative temperature, 1994 Science article cited by Schroeder in footnote on p. 102

Chap. 4

Chap. 5

Comparison chart of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics

Kardar's discussion of enthalpy

Blundell^2's chart about thermodynamic relations

Blundell^2's useful math appendices, inc. (C.6) the relationships for partial derivatives

Blundell^2's discussion of Maxwell relations

Figures from Schroeder and others about phase diagrams

Wikipedia account of Gibbs phase rule (supplemental material beyond scope of Phys 404)

Figures from Schroeder and Blundell^2 about van der Waals equation of state and mixtures

Chap. 7

Lecture on Density of States

Kardar figures on quantum gases

Kardar figures on bosons and superfluid He-II

Heat capacity of liquid He showing "lambda transition"

Pathria & Beale figures on BEC of trapped atoms

Solutions to Tests, Etc.


Solutions to Homework Problems